Tuesday, December 4, 2018

India's Foreign trade nmims dec 2018 solved assignment

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1. One of the Medium size Indian pharmaceutical company, well established in India with good Sales & Marketing network, contemplating to go for International business to expand their revenue. Discuss in detail how the company should move forward systematically and discuss what kind of market barriers they will encounter and how to resolve them.

Answer: The reasons to enter international markets vary widely. It depends upon the objectives, resources and

2. Discuss in detail Balance of Payment (BoP); what is the current scenario of India’s BoP with USA & China, and how it can be rectified?

Answer: Balance of payments (BOPs) measures the payments that flow between a country and other countries. It determines economic transactions of a country during a specific time period. The BOP is determined by a country’s export and imports of goods services, and financial capital, as

3. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
a. Explain the concept of FDI and how it help the country’s economic condition
b. Why some countries totally ban FDI or they have restricted FDI in certain segments, what is the logical reasons for this, explain with an example.

Answer: a) Role of FDI in the economic growth of India
In India FDI is need of the hour as it will improve and strengthen Indian economy. When an investor based in one country acquires an asset in another country so as to manage that asset, it is known as Foreign

Complete Assignment available for NMIMS
in rs 250 per assignment only
You can call us 87-55555-879
Within 1 hour will revert you by mail
Sample only

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