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NMIMS September 2019
Business Law
1. Explain the mechanism of a Digital
Signatures which is recognized under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and
state at least two (2) of its applications
Answer: The Information Technology Act, 2000 came into effect on
October 17, 2000. It is applicable to the whole of India. It also applies to
any offence or contravention committed under the Act by any person outside
India (except as otherwise provided under the Act). The Information Technology
(Amendment) Act, 2008 was enacted on February 5, 2009. Are view of the
amendments indicating that there are several provisions relating to data
protection and privacy, as well as provisions to curb terrorism using
electronic and digital medium that have been introduced into the new Act. The
Act was passed with the view to give a boost to the growth of electronically
based transactions, provide legal recognition for e-commerce and
e-transactions, facilitate e-governance, prevent computer based crimes and
ensure security practices and procedures in the context of widest possible use
of information technology worldwide.
According to Section 3 of
2. Explain in details two (2)
real-life instances of Anti-Competitive Agreements which have been prohibited
by the Competition Commission of India.
Answer: The Competition Act
of 2002 was passed for the following objectives:
Prevention of practices that result in adverse effects on healthy
Promotion and sustaining of healthy competition
Protection of consumer interests
Protection of freedom of trade by all participants in the market
Duties of commission
Section 18 provides that it shall be the duty of the
Commission to:
3. Abhay and Seema have entered into
a commercial agreement to license content. However, Abhay did not deliver the
content to the satisfaction of Seema. Hence, there are disputes arisen between
Abhay and Seema. Abhay and Seema do not want to go through a protracted
litigation process in Indian courts. Can you advise them on:
a. What should be done to conduct an
arbitration between Abhay and Seema to resolve their disputes
b. The difference between
Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation? What is the advantages and
disadvantages of each of these.
Answer: a) Conflict involves the struggle of a person with another
person, or a thing or a situation. It is a problem or disagreement, a situation
that needs resolution. Every employee faces an issue of conflict at work.
Conflicts can be resolved if dealt the right way. Conflict resolution is the
process of finding a solution to a conflict. Resolving conflicts effectively
creates more understanding among those involved in conflict, increases team
work, as members develop stronger bonds., It also increases mutual respect, and
improves self-knowledge as conflict is a testing time, when the members can
examine themselves.
There are many methods of dispute resolution which are
simple and provide quick solution than typical litigation process and
arbitration is one of them. In this method, a third party called the arbitrator
is involved and is typically a private judge. The conflicting parties agree in
advance the choice of
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NMIMS September 2019
Business statistics
1. What is sampling distribution? An
automobile manufacturer claims that a particular model gets 28 KM per liter of
petrol, but the Environmental Protection Agency, using a sample of 50
automobiles of this model, finds the sample mean to be 26.8 km/ltr. From
previous studies, the population standard deviation is known to be 5 km/ltr.
Could we reasonably expect (within 2 standard errors) that we could select such
a sample if indeed the population mean is 28 km/ltr? Justify.
Answer: Sampling
Sampling distributions are at the very core of inferential
statistics but poorly explained by most standard textbooks. The reasoning may
take a minute to sink in but when it does, you'll truly understand common
statistical procedures such as ANOVA or a chi-square test.
Sampling distributions tell us which outcomes are likely,
given our research hypotheses. So perhaps our hypothesis is that a coin is
balanced: both heads and tails have a 50% chance of landing up after a flip.
This hypothesis implies the sampling distribution shown below for the number of
heads resulting from 10 coin flips.
This tells us that from 1,000 such random samples of 10 coin
flips, roughly 10 samples (1%) should result in 0 or 1 heads landing up. We
therefore consider 0 or 1 heads an unlikely outcome. If such an outcome occurs
2. Raj studios a Tollywood casting company,
is selecting a group of extras for a movie. The ages of the first 30 men to be
interviewed are.
50 56 55
54 55 61
49 52 57
60 51 59
56 57 56
62 52 54
55 49 52
61 60 51
57 56 59
52 54 49
The director of the movie wants men
whose ages are grouped around 50 years. The director suggests that a standard
deviation of 3 years would be acceptable. Does this group of extras qualify to
the director’s requirement?
(X - MEAN OF X)^2
3. Historically, diesel has mostly
been cheaper than petrol in South Africa, though this has not always been the
case, and not a trend seen around the world. One of the key differences in the
pricing of diesel versus petrol, is that diesel prices reflect wholesale
prices, not the price you would pay at the pumps. For example, the wholesale
inland diesel price for August was at R10.96 at the beginning of the month,
while Caltex’s retail version – Caltex 50 diesel with Techron – sells at R11.33
per litre. Over the past decade, both the petrol and diesel prices have seen
some significant fluctuations, but petrol (95 grade) has seen the biggest
overall increase, having jumped 75.4% since 2006.
The graph and table below show how
the prices have changed year-on-year, between August 2006 and August 2016.

Petrol unleaded 93
Petrol unleaded 95
Diesel 0.05%
Source: Department of Energy; Inland
prices, August
The fuel price is affected by two
major components: the global oil price, and the currency exchange rate between
the rand and the dollar. Between 2014 and 2016, fuel prices (both diesel and
petrol) have shown a year-on-year decline, boosted by a much lower global oil
price, which has dropped below $50 a barrel, with little hope that it will
balloon past that level in the near future. However, much of the benefit
delivered by lower oil prices has been undone by weakness in the rand – brought
about by a struggling economy, poor growth policies and a number of political
scandals involving president Jacob Zuma.
africa- 2006-2016/)
a. Explore the trend in the petrol
price (for both unleaded 93 and unleaded 95) using regression trend analysis.
Using the data, forecast the petrol price for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
b. Explore the trend in the diesel
price using regression trend analysis. Using the data, forecast the diesel
price for 2017, 2018 and 2019. Out of the three regression models, which model
is the strongest in predicting the fuel price?
Answer: Regression
Std. Error
Dep. Var.
Petrol unleaded 93
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NMIMS September 2019
Essentials of HRM
1. Discuss the process of induction
(not a traditional one) being followed in any organisation. (It should not be
the traditional way of induction, please cite only those which are different
from traditional methods)
Answer: An induction program is a very important step when new
employees join an organisation. It provides an introduction to the working
environment and the role of the employee in the organisation. Induction covers
the employer and employee rights and, the terms and conditions of employment.
An induction program definitely covers any legal and compliance requirements of
the organization. Also it definitely tells employees about the health and
safety precautions to be taken in certain situations. Induction is meant to
enable a new employee to become productive and get integrated with the team
faster and hence start feeling good about his/her joining the new firm. The aim
is not to “throw someone into the deep end”. But to create an environment for
the new employee to become productive and part of the team in a manner that the
person will be able to quickly start performing and also start undertaking
large responsibilities. The idea is that an employee should not be expected to
perform without understanding
2. Kiara Enterprises is a very small
organisation dealing with export rejected clothing. They are growing slowly but
steadily. Kiara, the owner now wants to expand it a bit more and hence opts for
Human Resource planning. It is advised to them to go for qualitative methods
for demand forecasting as they have limited funds. Discuss all three
qualitative methods of demand forecasting. Conclude by suggesting the best
method suited for Kiara’s organisation.
Answer: Demand forecasting is a process of evaluating the quality
and quantity (number) of employees a firm or organization requires to meet its
future needs. A forecast could be a long-term or a short-term plan depending on
the activity levels for each function and departments. There are several
internal and external factors to be considered in demand forecasting.
Internal factors include budget constraints, production levels,
new products and services.
External factors include competition from other firms; it could be
from the domestic or international firms, economic value, changes in technology
A few good reasons to conduct demand
forecasting are:
Determine the jobs necessary for offering services.
Determine the staff required for future needs.
Determine the correct staffing levels in different parts of the
firm or organization.
Determine the
3. Swati and Prashant are both
working as sales managers. Swati was chosen for Assessment Centre whereas
Prashant for Development Centre, of which they were not clearly aware. Few
months later Swati got promoted which agitated Prashant as he thought his
performance was also good. Prashant went to the HR head to discuss the same. In
context of the case answer these questions:
a. Explain to Prashant why Swati got
b. Explain to Prashant what a
Development Centre is.
Answer: a) Coleman defined an Assessment Center as "a variety
of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under
standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for
success in a given job".
The term "assessment center" is not a location but
really a program which involves evaluating all potential candidates for job
roles, in a structured manner using multiple assessors. Assessment Centres are
usually the last stage of a recruitment process. If you have reached this
stage, you have already done extremely well. Assessment centres will generally:
Be held for a longer duration than
that of a conventional interview.
This can be half a day up to two days, including an
overnight stay.
Involve multiple exercises
Involve multiple
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NMIMS September 2019
Financial Accounting & Analysis
1. A dealer of Mobile TV has the
following items in inventory as on March 31,2018
Discuss the accounting standard
which talks about inventory valuation. Also, find out and define the overall
value of inventories as per the applicable accounting standard.
Answer: Accounting
The term standard denotes a discipline, which provides both
guidelines and yardsticks for evaluation. As guidelines, accounting standard
provides uniform practices and common techniques of accounting. As a general
rule, accounting standards are applicable to all corporate enterprises. They
are made operative from a date specified in the standard. The Institute of
Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) constituted the Accounting Standards Board
(ASB) in April, 1977 for developing accounting standards.
The Accounting Standards Board is entrusted with the responsibility
of formulating standards on significant accounting matters keeping in view the
international developments and legal requirements in India. The main
2. Define and Discuss the concepts
of prepaid expenses and outstanding expenses and their impact on the income
statement and Balance Sheet of an Entity? In case of firm A which largely has
the balance of prepaid expenses and another firm B which largely has the
balance of outstanding expenses, what does this reflects? Discuss
Answer: Certain transactions may occur after ledger accounts have
been closed and trial balance has been drafted. However, such transactions must
be provided before preparing the final accounts if they belong to the current
year. Such entries are called adjustments.
A prepaid expense is an expenditure paid for in one
accounting period, but for which the underlying asset will not be consumed
until a future period. When the asset is eventually consumed, it is charged to
expense. If consumed over multiple periods, there may be a series of
corresponding charges to expense.
A prepaid expense is carried on the balance sheet of an
organization as a current asset until it is consumed. The reason
3. a. A logistics company sold a car
of Rs 2.5 lacs. The company had purchased the car three years back for Rs 10
lacs and had depreciated the same using straight line method of depreciation,
assuming its useful life to be five years and a residual value of Rs77760.
Calculate the WDV after charging depreciation for third year, accumulated
depreciation for three years and profit on sale, if any.
b. Consider the following
transaction pertaining Ammar’s business-
1. started business with cash Rs 3 lacs
2. Purchased goods for cash Rs 1.2
3. purchased goods on credit Rs
4. purchased furniture for cash Rs
5. deposited RS 50000 in the bank
Perform transaction analysis for
each transaction undertaken and present accounting equation for these
Answer: a) Calculation
Value of Machine
Salvage Value
Net Value
(Value of
Machine-Salvage Value)
Life of Asset
(Net Value/Life of
Value of Machine after
3 years
(Value of Machine -
Accumulated Depreciation)
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NMIMS September 2019
Marketing Management
M/s Tikhalal sells pickle and spices
across the country and wants to enter into the international market. The
company is known for their quality ingredients. The company sells the product
at higher price but customers don’t hesitate to pay the price as the quality is
premium. Their brands Mr. Tikha, Mr. Hara, Mr. Laal, which are various pickles
and spices are a hit brand in the Indian Market. The company has decided to
enter in US Market as it has a major market for Indian pickles and spices.
1. Explain various Micro and Macro
environment factors that the company should analyze before entering into the
international market. Explain the points with reason.
Answer: The environment consists of various forces that affect the
company’s ability to deliver products and services to its customers. The
environment can affect a company in many ways. A company can have the best
technologies, employees, and the best of suppliers but it can fail miserably if
any of the factors like exchange rate, policies of the host government,
changing needs of customers, etc. start to act against it. On the other hand, a
mediocre company can be spectacularly successful if the factors in the external
environment start favouring its strategies and policies. It is imperative that
companies keep a close watch on the environment factors that may affect them,
and prepare themselves adequately to face the emerging challenges.
Elements of Micro environment
Some company factors that affect the marketing decisions
Culture and value system – Organisational culture can be viewed
as the system of shared values and beliefs that shape a company’s behavioural
norms. A value is an enduring preference as a mode of conduct or an end state.
The value system of the founders of the organisation has a lasting impact on
it. Foreign culture is completely different with the Indian culture so this
factor has to be taken care of.
Mission and objectives
2. The company is planning to take
Mr. Tikhalal online in India. Explain various ways to promote the brands of
pickles and spice on Social Media Platforms.
Answer: Online marketing can be quite challenging, as there is no
direct, face-to-face interaction with the customer. However, a good e-marketing
strategy can overcome this challenge and build a large customer base by proper
planning and adopting the appropriate strategies.
These days we find almost everything online as it saves our
time and we get good discount as well. As the company is expanding itself to
the national market, going online will help it in a big way. Apart from normal
shops or through wholesalers and retailers, company may also sell its products
on various online websites which offer groceries etc. Online selling will help
the brand and company will achieve its desired objectives. Customers research
online first, whether they buy online or in-store. Having an online presence
helps makes sure that potential customers find your product information and are
able to comparison shop. When they do a product search online, you want to be
listed among the top results. This increases your brand awareness so you’re
always in front of your customers. Existing brick and mortar sellers can be
3. M/s Tikhalal is also planning to
sell paapads with the brand name Mr. Crisp. The company is planning to sell papads
at a price higher than its competitors. The company also plans to launch
various variety of papads with different shapes and sizes.
a. How should company segment the
consumer market for Paapads?
b. To introduce the product in the
market what are the various sales promotion techniques that should be used for
the brand Mr. Crisp?
Answer: a) Market segmentation works on the principle of “divide
and rule”. It divides the market into manageable segments which can be gauged
correctly. The marketing programs can be targeted to relevant segments and this
can enhance the value of marketing. By segmenting the market, the marketing
manager can provide attention to selecting the right marketing mix for each
group of customers.
Market segmentation helps the marketing manager to identify
homogenous customer groups within the market. He can also understand the
segments which are likely to use the product and use these segments as target
markets for the product. The marketing manager is able to identify the demand of
the customer and act upon it. By segmenting the market, the marketing manager
is able to understand the needs, wants and demands of each segment of
customers. This helps in evolving marketing strategies or promotions which are
unique to each segment. By tapping the market potential correctly due to
segmentation, the marketing manager can concentrate on well-charted segments of
the market. Segmentation is beneficial to customers as the
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Strategic Management
NMIMS September 2019
M/s Swadeshi is planning to start up
a new business for Indian traditional clothes. The product will be sold online
and there will be few retail outlets in major metro cities. The founder Mr.
Ashish is of the opinion to do a detail and through market scanning before
entering into the market. Mr. Ashish appoints you as a consultant for M/s
Swadeshi that deals in manufacturing and selling clothes online and offline
stores. The company plans to give competition to brands like Manyavar and
Mohey. The company plans to provide quality product at lower price. The company
plans to save lot of cost because of online selling. The website URL is The Company differentiates itself by selling only Indian
Traditional clothes for all age groups.
1. As a consultant you have been asked
to prepare a STEEP analysis report and present the findings to the top
Answer: Market scanning is very much important before starting any
business. It refers to the careful monitoring of an organisation's internal and
external environment for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats
that may influence its present and future marketing plans. It helps the
marketer in taking decisions regarding where to compete, how to compete, and on
what to compete. The opportunity in business can be a trend or event that could
lead to a significant upward change in sales and profit patterns, given the
appropriate strategic response. In the absence of a strategic response, a
threat will result in a significant downward departure from current sales and
profits. If the strategic uncertainty is important and urgent, marketing
managers may conduct an in-depth analysis to take an urgent decision. It helps
marketing managers to find out the important forces outside an organisation,
which will shape its business in relation to competitors. Marketing managers
should continually track changes in the
2. Analyze the business from Porter’s approach to industry analysis perspective.
Answer: Effective formulation of strategy requires a clear understanding
of competition. Competition in an industry is determined not only by existing
competitors but also by other market forces such as customers, suppliers,
potential entrants, and the existence of substitute products. Understanding the
level of competition is important because the level of profits depends to a
large extent upon the level of competition.
The strategist’s goal is to position the firm in such a way
that it is not vulnerable to the attacks of competitors. The position should
give the firm enough space to defend itself confidently. Given this, the need
to study the underlying sources of competitive pressures is obvious.
Understanding the
3. Answer the below questions:
a. Prepare a SWOT Analysis for
b. Explain any two types of
forecasting techniques that company should use for analyzing future demand.
Explain the same with reason.
Answer: a) SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weakness,
opportunities and threats. Therefore, SWOT analysis, as the name suggests, is a
method that analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an
individual or a firm. It helps in the formulation of suitable strategies. The
process of strategy formulation begins with situation analysis, i.e., the
process of discovering a strategic match between the weaknesses that exist
within and the opportunities available outside. It is a systematic study and
identification of those aspects and strategies that best suit the individual
company’s position in a given situation. The strategy should not only improve
an organization’s business strengths and utilize the available opportunities,
but also get rid of its weaknesses and effectively repel threats.
Strengths are the
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