Emerging Technologies IoT, Augmented Reality,
Virtual Reality
December 2021 Examination
1. The IoT may significantly affect many
aspects of the economy and society, although the full extent and nature of its
eventual impacts remains uncertain. Describe the different components of IoT
and taking example of any sector of your own choice, describe impact of IoT in
that particular sector in India. (10 Marks) –
are numerous sectors such as production, statistics technology, retail, and
another industry. It is enforcing the virtual transformation of its business
due to excessive marketplace demands and keeping off pandemic situations.
Similarly, new technologies, together with cloud computing and machine gaining
knowledge of are supporting companies change from offline to online shape and
provide centers of various types to each consumer and worker within the
business. Moreover, online business is adding several facilities to advertising
and marketing, and it's miles
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2. The Internet of Things is often lauded for
its potentially revolutionary applications. Indeed, IoT devices are today being
implemented in many different sectors for a vast array of purposes. However, it
is still unclear how IoT will progress due to challenges associated with both
technical and policy issues. Briefly describe IoT architecture and the
challenges associated with implementation of IoT. Discuss the various design
consideration that must be taken into account before starting an IoT project, with
taking an example of a specific domain/industry of your choice. (10 Marks)
as previously discussed, the internet of things affects the market needs and
information generation or management running of organizations. but, four main
pillars assist increase the principles and basics of these technologies and
include devices, statistics, connectivity, and analytics. Moreover, the IoT
architecture is likewise specific in that it facilitates set up a business of
organizations and numerous initiatives associated with this generation in
companies. Conversely, it provides multiple methods for amassing statistics and
3. The intuitive facets of IoT devices paired
with enhanced network engagement enable IoT to promote versatility, transparency
and efficiency in infrastructure planning. IOT also embeds energy-efficient
projects to take off.
a. Explain the role of AI and IoT in
development of smart cities with providing some real statistical data from
authorized resources. (5 Marks)
cities are affecting the country's level and including facilities for humans to
make digital towns by using revolutionary generation and affecting the distinct
sectors and environment of the city. In addition, the traffic and environment
are the main important factors that assist growth and describe the needs of a
country and affect humans' residing requirements in the business.
b. How do AI and IoT are interrelated? How
does the community assist in the development of IoT? (5 Marks)
addition, the generation wishes more time and investment because everyone knows
that there aren't any limits for studying the new generation and its updating,
installing, and running. After all, technological know-how is continuously
converting and attaining innovation and rewards
2021 Examination
1. Analyze any five organizations
that had transformed themselves by adopting e-business solutions. Identify the
reasons behind their move. Also analyze how this transition helped them in
their business growth. (10 Marks)
definition of an e-business answer is that it facilitates help authorities and
business techniques which can be incorporated and automatic with the assist of
communication and information technology. In addition, it involves the
exchanges of electronic kind files and units of business data that are
transporting or processing into a distinctive gadget and affecting the
enterprise delivery chain. Furthermore, this sort of commercial enterprise
could be prevalent due to the virtual transformation of business. All documents
and info of employees and customers are Its Half
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2. What are some of the major issues
(at least 5) faced by e-businesses while selling products online and list five
examples of both antivirus and anti-spyware software that provides protection
against cyber security threats. (10 Marks)
Further, the net business allows exchanging each business
enterprise's profits and profit charge these days. Furthermore, as the use of
era increases, there's additionally crime related to digital business, which
negatively impacts the clients' services and reduces the considerable level of
clients from the corporation. Conversely, the e-commerces business facilitates
high-rated sales inside the industry and adds millions of online merchandise.
In addition, companies are attaining limitless success and business boom with
online advertising and growing their money and
3.a. Prepare a comparative analysis
of any 5 online shopping apps through comparing the methods for making a
purchase using their shopping carts. (5 Marks)
retailers are continuously growing new online apps for placing orders and
increasing product selling needs in business. Moreover, online business is
running with the assist of online apps through which customers choose their
trends using identifying capabilities and costs in an aggressive buying market.
Consequently, choosing five online shopping carts apps analysis is
3.b. Compare Master and Visa cards,
which uses an open-loop payment system, with American Express, which uses a
closed-loop payment by preparing a short note on their differences. (5 Marks)
payment machine is a system used to settle and modify the economic and fees
transactions by transferring the values such as economic values in business.
Furthermore, it includes widgets, institutions, rules, requirements,
strategies, and numerous technologies. But, checks, debit cards,
Cloud Computing
2021 Examination
1. You are the Global CIO of a new
Global (through acquisitions) Bank headquartered in UAE. The Bank is
consolidating and restructuring itself as a single integrated Bank. As the
Global CIO, you are keen to articulate a Global IT Policy, and you're
evaluating the use of cloud and the right choice for the deployment model for
your bank globally.
Prepare a 2-Page Executive Summary
to serve as the basis of an Executive Meeting with the Leadership of your firm
and the Country CIOs to discuss this initiative. (10 Marks)
of activity and new possibilities for workers are the pinnacle priorities of
organizations, and it allows exchanging organization level for improving the
earnings of nations in business. Further, the groups and companies anticipate
very high-degree work from their senior managers and c-degree executives to
impart exceptional capabilities and learning strategies for individuals.
Furthermore, the current instances are continually approximately occasions and
difficulties handling that affecting leadership skill of operating executives
within Its Half
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2. You are the CTO of Trojan
Sporting, a 20-year manufacturer of Recreational Vehicles. You're managing a
portfolio of mature & enterprise applications and huge databases and want
to leverage the benefits of cloud computing. Specifically, you are evaluating
(a) whether to opt for IaaS, PaaS or SaaS and (b) AWS or Azure. Prepare a
2-Page Executive Summary of your research and recommendations for presentation
to the Leadership of Trojan Sporting. You may get more details by visiting the
web site of these firms, or you can make your own assumptions. (10 Marks)
demand for vehicles is increasing because transportation services and
authorities' transport offerings aren't available. In addition, all industries
are looking to fast catch up to the digital transformation business version to
draw worldwide and national consumers. Moreover, overall commercial enterprise
growth inside the adequate current time depends on new technology, including
cloud computing and device learning. Conversely, portfolio layout wishes extra
3. The Top Management of Faisal
Insurance is meeting to discuss their plan for a new Core Insurance Solution.
Both the Mr Fayaz, Head of Underwriting and the COO, Mr. Mirza are of the
strong opinion that the company should develop and implement a custom-developed
Core Insurance Product to be developed by the company's regular IT Partner. On
the other hand, both, CIO, Mr. Aiyer and Ms Noushad, CFO, are keen to move to a
commercially available Cloud-based SaaS Core Insurance Product. The debate is
getting heated as Ms Noushad also recalled past IT system implementation
a. What arguments can Mr. Fayaz make
in favor of a custom-developed Core Insurance Product? (5 Marks)
the core coverage gadget usually includes systems that help make specific
underwriting, billing, and administrative coverage. But, products assigned by
custom development are becoming greater awareness and interest when customers
come into the marketplace to buy merchandise inside the business. Furthermore,
occasionally the failure of IT systems affects
b. What arguments can Mr Aiyer make
in favor of a commercially available Cloud-based SaaS Core Insurance Product?
(5 Marks)
SaaS that facilitates support all services and computing sources, which
personnel and IT groups carry out gain the answer for the creek duck software.
Moreover, enterprise opposition today uses new methods for helping businesses
and handling clients' needs in the industry.
& Benefit
2021 Examination
1. What is your definition of compensation? Which
meaning of compensation seems most appropriate from an employee's view: reward
or entitlement? Compare your findings with someone from another field of study?
Ans 1.
Compensation is described as the condition of
getting or providing an equivalent for the carrier, money due, loss, or damage.
It is also known as restitution. However, in the context of business,
compensation refers to the totality of noncash bills that are issued to the
employee in exchange for the job that they have completed for the company. Compensation does not simply refer to a paycheck, but
it is a component of it. Compensatory measures include a variety of various
components, which may include both monetary and non-cash payment aspects Its Half solved only
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2: Discuss the factors that influence compensation
structures within the organization. Based on your own experience, which ones do
you think are the most important? Why?
Ans 2.
Many factors influence the compensation structure inside
the enterprise, categorized as an external component and an inner aspect.
External factor
• Demand and
supply of labor: Jobs are in high order
regularly. This demand and supply of work affect the wage and profits fixation.
3. What kind of "compensation issues" would
you like to highlight and why?
Ans 3a.
industry is characterized by a complex distribution network and extreme
competition, forcing companies to work on the delivery chain constantly. There
are, but, a few sizable challenges or issues in compensation FMCG
Question3.b Suggest alternatives to prevailing structured
compensation system with necessary justifications.
Ans 3b.
alternatives of dependent compensation device areas: The basic wage paid to the
worker: competitive benefit can most effectively come by delivering a better
amount because the salary is a standard practice or device.
Digital Marketing
December 2021 Examination
Q1. Explain the four dimensions that
determine digital presence of a company, with relevant examples. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
corporation's digital presence is essential when talking about new business
trends in a pandemic scenario. Further, while beginning a covid state of
affairs, human beings face specific problems, including sanitization and social
distancing norms that affect market growth and business competition level.
Furthermore, a few businesses are losing their business because of the
spreading of this disorder that isn't always top for markets and people's
fitness. After that, the trend of digital business transformation is coming,
affecting and attracting customers toward Its Half
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2. You are a local baker famous
around 2kms radius of your establishment. Discuss the Business moments across
customer journey path with TOOLS that you will be using to get your bakery
famous across the whole city spanning 50 kms radius. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
journey is all about the mixture of poor and adequate studies because they get
products sometimes according to their requirements and once in a while get
exclusive merchandise from companies. Further, the organization is constantly seeking
to prioritize the clients' demands and discover the best works that employees
can do to make them happy for each customer in the business. Furthermore,
organizations are increasing their communication and developing
3. You run a fitness centre in a
local area.
a. Write a Google AdWords Search
Campaign for the same. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
addition, everyone is aware of fitness centers and Google's advert words
campaign search, which helps prepare new business and speedy offers business info
online. Moreover, Google ad phrases assist in connecting tens of millions of
people with business and supplying effective or easy methods of business
undressing. However, good-sized quantities of information are
b. Explain the keyword bidding
strategy you shall be using for the same (5 Marks)
Ans 3b .
keyword bidding is a new practical online method that leaders choose to obtain
their customer's goals in a powerful area of interest and marketplace subject.
Furthermore, there are one-of-a-kind bidding strategies available in the market
according to the services of different
Relations & Labour Laws
2021 Examination
1. 'The Industrial
Relations Policy has two basic objectives viz. prevention and peaceful
settlement of disputes, and promotion of good industrial relations via labor
management and cooperation,' comment on the statement giving due consideration
to causes and policy framed by Government to tackle industrial unrest in India.
(10 Marks)
Ans 1.
We have always thought of business
relations as a firefighting role. Its best after the difficulty has erupted
that the IR expert comes into motion. To the point that certain IR men have
been accused of deliberately inflaming the scenario to increase their
significance within the organization. Employers use retrenchment, dismissals,
lockouts, and other strategies to reveal their strength over the economic
workforce. Because of industrial disturbance, the financial system suffers, and
the national profits fall. The percentage of lost individual days because of Its Half solved only
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2. Give a brief on
Maruti Manesar Violence. What were the main reasons for conflict? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Maruti employee was killed, and over 100 others were injured in July 2012
violence at the Maruti Manesar plant. Thirty-one employees had been convicted,
while 117 others had been acquitted. The event changed into sparked by a
disciplinary dispute with one of the corporation's employees. Some demands have
been made by using the unions that were omitted by the control, such as the
same salary for contract people as permanent employees. Because of the violence
on the Maruti Suzuki manufacturing plant in Manesar in 2012, 31 employees were
found guilty by
3. What is the
impact of a pandemic on labor laws in China w.r.t?
a. Working hours
and leaves (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
and labor market shocks have already emerged because of the crisis, affecting
no longer simply delivery (production of products and offerings) but
additionally demand (consumption and funding). Because of production
disruptions that began in Asia, international
b. Protection
measures and compensation (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
the beginning, workers' compensation turned to offer medical remedies for
injured people on the activity. Lasting incapacity benefits have been brought
later, and similarly, task displacement education (vocational rehabilitation)
and demise benefits were provided to surviving spouses,
Planning Recruitment & Selection
2021 Examination
1. Imagine that you are an external HR consultant summoned for a
project on job analysis. Explain which job analysis methods you will use to
collect data and why based on the industry & organization that you select.
Ans 1.
The collection of data from
process evaluation differs from one organization to another company; the
principle concept in the back of this interest is to decide and document all
the pertaining facts approximately a particular activity and the sports-related
to it; it additionally involves the abilities and knowledge that are vital in
carrying or performing the task or the job, a majority of these will ensure a
better overall performance yielding impeccable consequences. The activity
analysis is a complete system as in conjunction with a group of information
about Its Half solved only
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2. Every organization has its own unique HRP implementation
practices. Based on what you have observed from your experience, elaborate on
the action programs that constitute the HRP implementation process
Ans 2.
Human aid planning Implementation method: The primary purpose of carrying out this process is
to the faucet and harvest the maximum gain of the to be had valuable human
resource; this will result in developing the excellent shape of the personnel
for the specific activity the organizational lifestyle as nicely. Correct
implementation will ensure that the company is balanced with their operation
without any shortage or extra in the team of workers but just the right
b=number needed to perform the activities. Generally, there's a diverse method
of Human
3. a. What modern performance appraisal approaches would you
suggest to the managers so that the employees’ belief in the process is
Ans 3a.
Modern approaches of performance appraisal: performance
appraisal is a multi-level manner followed via an employer or the agency to
appraise the personnel's overall performance, and for purpose, numerous
approaches are adopted by the employer or the companies. The different
b. Explain the relevance of performance counseling in current
times to the HR team at HNP Technologies. Devise what approach is apt for the
Ans 3b.
counseling in modern instances:
performance counseling is a critical element for a worker. It'll assist the
worker in recognizing their weakness and electricity and the areas that require
improvement. This activity will benefit both the counselor and the counselee
take it in
theory structure and design
2021 Examination
Q1. ‘Sleepy Coffee
Limited’ has hired you as an HR Business partner to help them improve their
organizational processes. Help them understand their organisation as a system
by making them aware of its components. Also, recommend any one type of
organization structure that will suit this start-up company. Justify your
choice. (10 Marks)
Answer 1.
Schein, a psychologist, proposes four elements that should be among the most
important components of an organization: a common goal, coordinated efforts, a
labor department, and a hierarchy of authority. It is a manager's belief that
the common cause is a necessary factor for a successful operation, which must
be accompanied by a coordinated effort within the organization along with
organizational resources based on the decision making process. Most of these
factors are important to green organizational behavior, but they also add a
crucial component to reach Its Half
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Q2. Anshuman has a
brilliant business idea
of starting a
premium T-shirt company. However, he has no idea about
sustaining a business. As his HR consultant, explain to him the different
phases of organisational life cycle, that his company may go through. Associate
these phases with his business. (10
Answer 2.
comprehensive explanation of the life cycle of an organization can be found in
sociological theory, which shows that individuals are organized around a common
cause. They are also involved in a number of activities, such as strategy
formulation, commercial enterprise planning, marketing, financial management,
and product development. There is a significance of making critical adjustments
in a manner that is useful in every occasion necessary for the attainment of
Q3. Ashley, the CEO and Mike, the HR Director are always arguing
about which approach is the best for enhancing the organisational effectiveness
of their hospitality business. While Ashely is always in favour of the
traditional Goal Approach, Mike believes in the contemporary Stakeholder’s
approach. Keeping the above scenario in mind,
a. Explain how Ashley wants to implement the goal approach and bring
out its loopholes. (5 Marks)
b. Why do you think that Mike supports the contemporary
stakeholder’s approach? (5 Marks)
Answer 3a.
As outlined in the aim attainment technique, an organization's effectiveness and efficiency should be evaluated based on the number of successful activities it undertakes in pursuit of its goals and objectives. Administrative functions could include the achievement of certain quality outcomes, the enhancement of market share, or the achievement of income or income targets.
Ans 3b.
This concept of stakeholder capitalism is one of the concepts of capitalism that takes into account the relations between businesses and their customers, employees, suppliers, communities, investors, and others who have a stake in the business that is being run. As a theory
2021 Examination
Q1. Retail Banking is a prime arm of banking for building up and
grows its resources side. What does this mean and what is Banks doing towards
growing its resources side? Name any 4 resources-side products that Banks
provide and explain their characteristics in terms of product nature, its
classification & benefits and cost benefits for Banks (10 Marks)
that is concerned with the individual being, as opposed to businesses, is
called retail banking. Also known as consumer banking or private banking, it is
an institution that provides services to the individual instead of to
businesses. Besides assisting you to obtain credit in an easy and convenient
way, it also enables you to deposit your cash in a relaxed manner and check and
save debts, mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, and so on. So, their
primary goal is to offer services to the character customers pr consumers to
present offerings to massive companies Its Half
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Q2. From an era of the past when ‘Customer went to the Bank’, Retail
Banking has transformed itself to today’s era when ‘Bank goes to the customer’.
Explain your understanding of this transformation along with examples of ways
and means adopted by Banks towards achieving this transformational change.
Also, explain any 4 of the mechanism / tools used by Retail Banks in this
regard along with merits and de-merits in each of them (10 Marks)
A retail banking organization is also known as consumer banking, private banking, or consumer services, and it is primarily focused on providing services to individuals rather than to businesses. It offers financial help in terms of access to credit, deposits their money in a relaxed way, checking and saving money owed, mortgages, non-public loans, credit score cards, etc. so, their number one objective is to provide services to the individual customers pr clients rather up various tools to control the situation after transformation correctly and correctly.
3. “Bank Traditional Limited” is a well-established old Retail Bank
operating in India and is almost a 100-year-old Bank. Its customers are
predominantly individuals who are senior citizens (65 years old) who are
comfortable only with traditional modes of banking like branch banking, using
paper cheques, etc. However, in the last few years, this bank had embarked on
various technology projects / initiatives like ATM, internet / mobile banking,
PoS, kiosks etc. due to various businesses and operational compulsions.
a. Analyze the various challenges that ‘Bank Traditional Limited’
will have to manage (5 Marks)
It is evident that the conventional banks in India have started changing themselves into new embracing conditions of adaptability in order to compete with the new banks in India. However, because of this, a number of issues have arisen which could potentially thwart any prospects of a future boom. Traditional banks are constantly searching for avenues to provide users with greater
b. Analyze the various steps, ways and means this Bank must adopt to
manage this necessary transition (5 Marks)
In order to meet the needs of India's new banks, the traditional banks are transforming the way in which they operate into one that fits with the new conditions of adaptability. Despite this, there have been many problems and demanding situations which might negatively affect future growth
Service Operations Management
December 2021 Examination
Q1. Define and briefly explain the
term ‘Service Design’. What are the various approaches that organizations adopt
to implement ‘Service Design’? Explain with examples for approach from setups
like Banking or a Healthcare setup (choose any one reference of your own choice) (10 Marks)
Answer 1:
design is an enhanced work and group of a provider to boom its quality and the
relationship among its dealer and customers, including its personnel,
infrastructure, communication, and materials. The design of services can
feature as a way of informing or creating an existing provider approximately
modifications in the long run. Service design processes purpose to expand the
best strategies for services in keeping with users' needs and consistent with
service carriers' abilities and competencies. The service might be person-
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Q 2. Discuss the Role of Service
Engineers in ‘Engineering’ Service Operations. Explain the three techniques
used to evaluate service operations with reference to a setup for an Educational
Institute. (10
Answer 2:
engineers are at the rate of various tasks both inside and outdoor of the
workplace, including the design, installation, and preservation of mechanical,
electrical and general prosperity security systems. Individuals in this
profession may be building groups engineers, agency engineers, the main problem
remember experts, building planners, or administrative center coordinators. As
clients and specialized companies create new costs through globally connected
assistance endeavors, management engineers are coming across new liberties to
Q3. The Hospitality sector is a good
example wherein the businesses involve both manufacturing (food preparations)
as well as service operations. The sold products are evaluated by the customers
and they are also rated based on the service that the seller provides. With
reference to the industry discuss the following aspects of service operations
a. Discuss the elements that need to
be planned in a Service Framework of a Hospitality setup. (5 Marks)
b. What are the challenges faced by
the Service Managers who manage these service operations? (5 Marks)
Answer 3 a:
the ordinary maintenance looks like the identical aspect, there are several
significant variances. In different words, the planned maintenance specifies
how and what work is to be performed; the scheduled protection defines who will
perform the work and while. Planned renovation gives a high-quality danger for
upkeep costs to be reduced.
Answer 3
days, extra than ever, associations and public area affiliations are under
pressure to lower expenses and cut down resources to stay useful or work inner
their financial plans. Meanwhile, clients are becoming more complicated with
growing suspicions, and markets provide clients
Cost Management
2021 Examination
1. The equity shares of a firm in the current stock market have been
traded at Rs60 per share. The price-earnings ratio is 10 times. The Dividend
payout ratio is 75%.
The total number of shares issued and outstanding as of date is
100000 equity shares of Rs10 each. The book value of each Share is Rs40.
Describe and Compute - Earnings per Share, return on equity (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Calculating return on equity (ROE) is a simple process that
involves dividing net income by shareholders' equity. Because shareholders'
equity, also known as net assets, is equal to the assets of a company minus its
debt, return on equity is similarly referred to as net assets. In order to
fulfill the shareholders' fairness requirements, ROE is taken into account by
analysts as a measure of profitability of an organization. Typically net income
is divided by the outstanding stock of a company's standard inventory to arrive
at an earnings per share (EPS) amount that is Its Half solved only
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2. Subway is selling a good number of veggie patty Burgers daily.
The production house offers a proposal to get the Veggie Patty manufactured by
one of the suppler named Vishnu LLP. However, the administration wants to take
the outsourcing decision, also called as make or buy decision, by evaluating
the various essential factors contributing to the decision
Discuss the primary considerations for evaluating the make or buy
(10 Marks)
Ans 2.
The decision to manufacture in-house or purchase products from an outside issuer is to be made by the person creating or purchasing the product. This desire, also known as outsourcing, compares the costs and benefits of producing an important product or service internally with the charges and advantages of engaging an external service provider. It is crucial for companies to consider all of the aspects, from how much it will cost to collect and store an object to how much
3. Following particulars have been shared with you. If fixed cost is
Rs500000, selling price is Rs60, and Variable cost is Rs20
a. Calculate and describe -Breakeven point (5 Marks)
Calculating a trade's or investment's breakeven point is as simple as comparing the market price of an asset with the original cost of that asset. It can be derived in accounting that the breakeven point can be calculated by dividing the constant costs associated with manufacturing by the unit cost of manufacturing minus variable production costs. While a product reaches its breakeven
b. What could be the sales number to earn a profit of Rs 50000, at a
Fixed Cost Rs 200000, Variable Cost Rs30 per unit, Selling Price Rs 60 per unit
(5 Marks)
Target Profit is a term used in fiscal analysis to indicate income that a controlling economic entity hopes can be completed by the end of an accounting period to be selected by the controller. By comparing projected earnings against real earnings, which is usually determined
Quality Management
December 2021 Examination
Analyzing and understanding the significance of quality cost in production
enables an organization in developing quality conformance in a competitive
business environment. Explain how you will implement cost of quality in your
organization. In your opinion should the organization spend more on cost of
good quality or cost of poor quality? Explain with reasons/examples. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
In today’s competitive world, businesses are
trying to fulfill the desires and requirements of the clients and preserve a
high stage of the best of the product. The elevated location of pleasant of the
product is the distinguishing issue between the regular corporation and the
developed employer. The latter manages 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac product
availability to the purchasers and a price according to the competitive market.
In the current world, the quality of the product is thus looked at with more
precision both by the consumers and the company Its Half solved only
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2. ISO
9001 specifies the requirements of quality management system. As Management
Representative of your organization you have to implement ISO 9001. Explain the
steps you will take to successfully get the ISO certification for your
organization. (10 Marks)
(international standard organization) is a seal given by a third party body to
a corporation while it complies with the specified global requirements.
Therefore, the operating of that company turns into the world over certified
and accredited. There are various documents in the ISO 9000 collection;
however, the ISO 9001 requires certification most straightforwardly. The ISO
certification becomes vital for small and medium businesses because of its
ability to ensure growth and extra income to the organization. It attaches a
symbol of belief to the product, and
3. Maxx
Industry is regularly supplying some critical parts to your assembly line.
These parts are either good or defective. During each delivery a sample of 500
units is sampled and the number of defective units in the sample is noted. The
average defect rate is 3.5%.
Develop the upper and lower control limits (z=3). (5 Marks)
In a
method improvement attempt, the process functionality Index, or procedure
capability aspect, is a statistical degree of method capability: the capacity
of a process to supply output as a part of a procedure specification. The idea
of manner capability is the handiest applicable for operations under
statistical management. Technique functionality indices degree the “natural
b. What
is process capability index and what will be your objective in finding the
process capability? (5 Marks)
In a
process improvement effort, the system capability Index, or process
functionality factor, is a statistical measure of system capability: the
capacity of a process to provide output as a part of a method specification.
The idea of manner capability is only applicable for operations under
2021 Examination
MCARTECH Pvt. Ltd. is considering two mutually exclusive capital investments.
The project’s expected net cash flows are as follows:
Cash Flows |
Year |
A |
B |
0 |
-500 |
-875 |
1 |
100 |
150 |
2 |
110 |
200 |
3 |
120 |
250 |
4 |
175 |
375 |
5 |
240 |
530 |
6 |
300 |
680 |
a. If
you were told that each project’s cost of capital was 12%, which project should
be selected using the NPV criteria?
b. What
is the profitability index for each project if the cost of capital is 12%?
c. What
is the regular payback period for these two projects? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
When a business evaluates possible
massive projects or investments, it employs the tool of capital budgeting to
facilitate the evaluation. For capital budgeting tasks, such as developing a
new factory or a substantial investment in an outside organization, capital
budgeting is required as early as possible before they can be considered legal
or denied. If capital budgeting also includes assessing the lifetime cash
inflows and outflows of an assignment, it would also evaluate whether or not
the potential returns can be used in determining a benchmarking goal Its Half solved only
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Assume that you plan to take a housing loan with a tenor of 20 years. The loan
has to be repaid in equal monthly installments. Considering that the loan
amount is Rs. 50 lakhs and the interest rate on loan is 9% p.a., what would be
the equated monthly installment (EMI)? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
In the contemporary society we are becoming more dependent on
loans to provide us with the ability to accomplish many of our most essential
goals. If you have ever bought a house, a vehicle, or even taken out a loan to
buy the overseas education of your children, you will know that loans are an
integral part of our lives. However, what is crucial to know about loans is
EMI, or the monthly interest payment. It is very important that you understand
that an EMI, which stands for equated monthly installment, represents a monthly
payment towards a loan that we
3. LT
India Ltd has the following capital structure, which it considers optimal:
Debt 35%
shares 65%
applicable tax rate for the company is 25%. The risk-free rate of return is 6%,
average equity market investment has an expected rate of return of 12%. The
company's beta is 1.10. Debt will bear an interest rate of 9% p.a
component cost of Debt and equity shares assuming that the company does not
issue additional equity shares. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
It is
the combination of Debt and equity that a company uses to finance its
operations and expansion. Stock possession and claims to destiny coins flow,
and profits are the sources of equity capital. Instead of Debt, fairness might
be inside the shape of regular inventory, desired
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
type of capital is proportionally weighted in a firm's cost of capital
computation, resulting in a "weighted average cost of capital." there
is no manner to calculate WACC without such as all sources of capital. If an
employer's beta and return on equity increase, the WACC increases properly
since it shows a drop in valuation and a growth of chance for the business
enterprise as
2021 Examination
Questions 1. A New Positioning Strategy for changed consumer
behavior Maggi's recent safety controversy required a complete overhaul of the
value communication strategy to regain the market position that Maggi had
enjoyed for many years in India. Health and safety had become the fundamental
values to communicate to its customers.
1. How would Nestlé convince its stakeholders that the relaunched
Maggi was completely safe for consumption and healthy for all consumers? What
strengths, including media sources and celebrity endorsements, could Nestlé
draw from to effectively motivate customer behaviour? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Consumer behavior is determined by
the manner in which the company and its employees interact with purchasers.
Additionally, businesses who treat customers with respect and efficiency will
have happy clients because both employees and organizations conduct themselves
well. Additionally, Nestle is the world's leading corporation when it comes to
providing high-quality meals and nutrition facilities for consumers and is an
important factor in influencing their families' health and fitness. As I was
reviewing the information in previous years, it became clear Its Half solved only
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2. Reading the case above suggests the segmentation, targeting, and
positioning Nestle Maggi is trying to achieve. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
In addition, the friendly marketing version is STP models, and managers are aware of this model because it's far giggly used marketing fashions in business practices. Moreover, leaders are analyzing that this model enables credit streamlining and adding business communication practices for mitigating the query and questions of purchasers. But, this advertising method focuses on choosing commercial effectiveness, the most effective and valuable segment of an
3. Given the growth potential of the industry, changing consumer
preferences towards healthy products
a. Discuss the traditional / modern-day advertising strategies
should Nestle Maggi use as a brand be following to remain a market leader (5
Ans 3a.
It is
important to distinguish modern marketing from traditional marketing since both
methods refer to forms of offline advertising that are not generally very
effective online. Further, the online advertising way of life replaces offline
advertising developments in the sense that it helps maintain, or deal with,
social distancing norms in the industry by serving as a substitute.
b. Discuss how the use of the traditional or modern-day advertising
strategies can help build the motivational factors of buying different variants
of Maggi be persuaded by the tweens lifestyle (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
Today's company requires more motivated workers since everyone is working from home and, as a result, many people experience a reduction in their level of motivation and mental stability while doing their daily business operations. Furthermore, motivation implies that someone is
Market and Portfolio Management
2021 Examination
1. From
the following information, calculate the volatility of the portfolio and
comment on the relationship among the stocks return. (10 Marks)
Day |
Stock A |
Stock B |
Stock C |
1 |
0.4 |
2.2 |
0.6 |
2 |
1.1 |
1.3 |
0.5 |
3 |
0.9 |
1.2 |
1.4 |
4 |
1.7 |
1.9 |
1.6 |
On the technical side of things,
the volatility of a portfolio is also known as the standard deviation of the
portfolio. An example of this is the use of the standard deviation to look at
whether there is a danger associated with particular protection that
bureaucracy has in its portfolio. Due to the correlation, it is possible to
describe the relationship between different stock returns. The price of the
correlation coefficient lies in a range between -1 and +1. If the correlation Its Half solved only
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2. You
are a financial advisor at XYZ Stock Broking firm. Calculate the return as per
CAPM for following company’s stock, identify whether the stocks are
undervalued, overvalued or correctly priced and advise accordingly. Returns of
T- Bill is 7%. (10 Marks)
Stock |
Expected Return |
Beta |
Tata |
21% |
1.7 |
Adani Power |
16% |
1.4 |
Ranbaxy |
23% |
1.1 |
19% |
Sensex |
CAPM, which stands for Capital Asset Pricing Model of Value
Analysis, is a definition that describes the relationship between systematic
chance and the expected return from an inventory, which is known best as the
CAPM. In financial control, CAPM is primarily used to assess risks in shares
and to create expected returns on assets, considering the risk associated with
these stocks in addition to the cost of capital.
The risk-free price of return
within the CAPM recipe
Sunaina has qualified her Investment Banking certification and has applied for
a job with an Investment bank. As a part of preliminary round of interview, she
is supposed to answer the following questions
Factors that impacts the investment decisions of a person. (5 Marks)
The term 'investment' refers to the interest or returns that one
expects the investor to receive on an investment in the form of revenue through
the asset in question. It is the ultimate objective of any kind of investment
to minimize risk on an investment while maximizing the return at the same time.
While threat-return analysis is of utmost importance in decision-making in any
Difference between the two main classes of financial instruments that an
investor uses in their portfolios. (5 Marks)
Financial tools can be defined as a contract, statement or report that represents an asset of some sort for someone else during the course of having legal responsibility for someone else. You can, for instance, buy a bond, make a swap, buy a bond, buy a share, pay a trade bill, and so on.
& Management Accounting
December 2021 Examination
1. Three partners
choose to go the start-up way. They run a chain of Pet Spa across Mumbai and
Pune. For the accounting year 2022, their business observes increasing prices
for materials. Hence, while preparing their financial statements, the three
partners had varying objectives behind their method for pricing the materials.
Objective I: The
partners wished to hypothecate inventory and take a loan. Hence, higher pricing
of ending list in the business' balance sheet would be desirable.
Objective II: The
partners would wish to attract lower taxes on the business' profit, and hence a
lower profit before tax would be desirable.
Discuss in brief
any five material pricing methods that businesses may adopt. Identify the
pricing methods that would achieve objectives I and II. (10 Marks)
When it comes to
pricing materials or stores, a variety of strategies are employed. Regardless
of whether the technique is used, the actual distribution of commodities will
constantly be based on first in, first out. In other words, the first
consignment of materials will always be the only one released to the public.
Value or price materials supplied for production may be completed in a
diffusion of approaches. Depending on the sort of materials used and the nature
of the Its Half solved only
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2. Mr. Sharma,
founder of Pima Plastics, desires to increase the business's profit in the
coming year. He calls for a meeting with the managerial-level personnel and
explains to them that the selling price of their product is based on the prevailing
market prices of their competitors. He seeks their advice on whether they
should work backward to optimize their costs by determining a standard cost for
each component. Explain the process of standard costing to the founder as one
of the managerial-level personnel. Would following standard costing help the
founder in increasing the profit of the business? (10 Marks)
approach compares everyday costs and sales with actual results to decide
variations and their reasons. It is used to determine the selling price while
preparing quotes and measuring performance, control variances, and cost
inventories. It is used to alert control of deviations and to take corrective
steps to enhance the business. Standards charges depend on numerous factors and
can be described as the expected price according to the unit of items produced
all through
3. Futuristic was
a newly set up firm in 2019. It is in the business of providing artwork.
However, being in the business of standard art objects (non-essential items),
it did not do well once COVID-19 hit it. It has a selling price of ₹2,500 per
piece and a variable cost of ₹1,000 per piece. It incurs an annual fixed cost
of ₹30,00,000.
The manager of the business wishes to know-
Whether the firm is earning a profit or incurring a loss by
selling 2,100 art pieces (5 Marks)
a financial approach, break-even evaluation assists a firm in ascertaining the
factor at which it will likely be profitable, whether it's an agency, a new
service, or a product. This means that a firm must determine how many gadgets
or services it must promote or supply to cover its costs
b. To combat the current difficult situation, the manager plans to
curb the variable expenses and bring them to ₹500 per piece. Compute the new
break-even point and contribution margin. Analyze and explain the movement in
contribution margin to the manager. (5 Marks)
are two methods to calculate the contribution margin. On an according-to-unit
or gross basis, a company's incremental income for every product or unit bought
after variable expenses were subtracted. As a result, it can decide the income
capacity of an organization's product and
Resource Planning
2021 Examination
Question 1. Why do organisations implement an Enterprise Resource Planning system? Why is OLTP a critical part of an ERP? What component of ERP helps the Managerial level? Do these components resolve the problems faced by organisations prior to introduction of ERP? Give an example to show the before and after scenario. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
During the previous 60 years,
enterprise resource planning has made a significant contribution to the
computerized business sector. Despite the fact that reception charges increase
step by step, several associations are still unaware of the importance of reception
charges. Businesses as well as the market are moving towards a strategic gain
that is becoming more apparent over time. In today's modern world, ERP software
is gaining a lot of attention and proving to be useful to Its Half solved only
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Question 2. Educational Institutions are looking for ERP solutions to improve operational efficiency and student life cycle. They need to manage numerous programmes, courses, student and employee performance and records and provide services to students. Indicate how ERP solutions can help them by focusing on the student life cycle and identifying the supporting functional areas. You can take any case study to support your answer. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
faculty, students, and staff, universities' most essential resources consists
of faculty, students, and staff. Taking into account indisputable interests,
each incorporates them in a connection with a close association. A school is
the educational gap a labor force needs to fill to train, direct investigations,
and shape the future of the company. In the context of schooling, a hostel is a
place of study, a place to stay, and somewhere to lock. There are many
preparations that can be made by personnel to facilitate work within the team,
alongside leaders' plans, work
Question 3. New Products Company receives more than 12,000 customer
orders a month, drawing on a combined inventory of over 1,000 products stocked
at the company’s warehouse. About 60 PCs are installed at New Products
Company’s headquarters which are connected in a local area network to several
servers. Orders are received by phone or
mail and entered into the system by customer representatives or they are
entered directly by customers who use the electronic commerce website developed
by New Products Company. Well-designed
user interfaces help users follow data entry procedures. The servers store these orders in a
database. They use simple database management inquiry commands to get responses
and reports concerning sales orders, customers, and inventory to review product
demand and service trends. The company has initiated a lot of computerisation
but in a fragmented manner. The management of New Products Company wants to
revamp its existing system.
a. Indicate how information flows through the various departments in
the organization to fulfil an order and identify delay points. (You can make
assumptions if required). (5 Marks)
b. How can an ERP help them in managing its order fulfilment process
efficiently by reducing manual intervention? Indicate at least two points.
(5 Marks)
Ans 3A.
It can be explained with the concept of go-useful as the significance of this concept. If you are looking for an organization that is oriented around its specific capabilities, rather than getting specific about its capabilities, look at how the databases use all the capabilities, ranging from requests to objects and management conveyed. On the off chance that the whole flow control
Ans 3B.
Appropriation firms face many challenges in managing their inventories, obtaining orders, implementing delivery chains, and coordinating physical games with changing interests, costs, and different factors. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) programming replaces inheritance
Institutions and Markets
December 2021 Examination
1. “Regulatory mechanisms are implemented to ensure that there is
always a balance between the inflow of money and the outflow of funds so that
the financial markets are able to function efficiently and effectively.”
Regarding the above statement, explain any three important
regulatory institutions. (10 Marks)
order for an ecosystem to remain healthy and grow, it is vital that organisms
act according to the rules and suggestions given. As a result, the environment
will disintegrate if the guidelines and guidelines are not followed, and if
they begin making their presumptions and predictions, then the environment will
continue to deteriorate. In a similar way, some guidelines and regulations are
needed for a financial institution to remain strong and continue thriving. This
set of pointers and rules can be found through the regulating, economic
institutions. Economic Its Half solved only
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2. Alex Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of India's top players dealing
in software products and solutions. The company now intends to launch a range
of computer accessories and plans to market it by opening its retail outlets.
So, the company's board of directors is planning to raise fresh capital by
issuing shares in the primary market.
In the context of the above case, you are required to help the board
of directors with various techniques of issuing shares in the primary market to
raise fresh capital for the required purpose. (10 Marks)
This is the area on the market in which new securities are listed and accessible for one-to-one and corporate transactions through the number of investors calling that area the primary market. There are two capital markets - the primary market and the secondary market - which supply the happenings of the capital market. There are new company securities issued in the immediate marketplace, and those securities are not traded or exchanged previously; these are new issues
3.a. Manoj is an active trader and understands the various
instruments traded in the Indian Financial Markets. He is now curious about
trading his own currency in exchange for an equivalent amount of money.
You are therefore required to help Manoj understand the Meaning and
Role of the Foreign Exchange Market along with the Participants involved in
such a market. (5 Marks)
A "forex market," as it was previously known, is first and foremost a mechanism that establishes a worldwide community through which buyers and sellers can easily trade currencies from different nations. A forex market, according to Wikipedia, can be described as a financial marketplace that is relatively liquid and also allows customers to transact in foreign currencies
3.b. Reshma has completed her studies and is now starting a new
project for which she needs a huge amount of capital. One of her friends
suggested she approach Venture Capitalists for her capital requirements.
In the light of the above case, explain to Reshma the concept of
Venture Capital and the Stages involved in Venture Capital Financing. (5 Marks)
A venture capital (VC) investor is a person who offers money to new companies and small businesses as loan money, a type of private equity the investor believes has the potential to develop long-term. There are several ways to obtain financing from investment banks, as well as
of Financial Services
December 2021 Examination
1. One of your clients wants to apply for a Home Loan in the next 12
to 18 months. In 2020 during the pandemic, the client had lost his job and
delayed his credit card payments. The client is worried that this may impact
his credit score maintained by Credit Bureaus. Suggest a roadmap to your client
to improve his credit score. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
a credit rating, a number between 300 and 850 determines a character's
creditworthiness. In general, the higher a borrower's credit score, the more
attractive they appear to potential creditors. Credit scores are influenced by
an individual's credit history, which consists of the number of open debts and
total amount of debt he or she owes. Creditors use credit scores in order to
analyze the likelihood that a borrower will repay the loan on time. For
instance, while Its Half solved only
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2. Develop a Public Relations campaign for a Bank of your choice to
highlight the “Digital Banking” edge that your Bank offers. (10 Marks)
Did what is known today as the public family members become a formalized field of study in the early 20th century? The definition of public relations has evolved into diverse methods as public relations' features and generation have evolved. As early as the 19th century, the meanings of press and exposure were the most prevalent. More modern functions include actions such as "engagement" and "relationship development." Relationship construction is a strategic
3. You are a Financial Planner. Your client Ashwin Aswani aged 37
years and works with an IT company earning Rs 15 lakhs per year. His wife,
Asha, aged 34 years, is a homemaker. They have one daughter Rimmi aged 5 years.
The couple requires your help to make some financial decisions. (You can make
any assumptions to build up your case further.)
a. Ashwin wants to buy a Pure Risk Life Insurance cover of Rs 1.5
crore. He is confused about whether he should buy a ULIP Term Plan. Recommend
the product best suited for his requirement. (5 Marks)
The phrase "pure risk life insurance" refers to the type of policy that provides protection against life in the event of a loss or death. Further, there may be no maturity or investment component. An example of a pure chance protection cover is a period insurance plan. The untimely death of the lifestyles assured is covered by pure risk coverage, which presents cash protection. Existence
b. Ashwin has expressed his desire to retire by the age of 55.
Design a retirement plan for him. (5 Marks)
After retirement it is possible to designate a part of your assets to build over a period of time in order to generate consistent profits. Retirement and pension plans help give you financial security while your professional earnings wane, ensuring that you can continue to live the quality
Marketing Strategy
December 2021 Examination
1. Explain four Ps of marketing using example from any of the Parle
products. (10 Marks)
Promotion plays an important role in promoting a company's product or service.
Marketing is defined as the activity that assists a company in marketing its
products or services to the public. Marketers engage in a variety of marketing
activities in order to promote, advertise, and distribute products to the
public. An organization may choose to perform advertising Its Half solved
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2. Consumer buying behavior plays an important role in marketing
strategy & is affected by various factors such as
characteristics/behaviors/preferences. Explain major influences on buying
behavior for the following brands: a) Nyka (e-commerce beauty portal) (b) Dell
laptops (c) Urban Company (d) Dominos (10 Marks)
behavior of consumers: Before
a product or service is purchased, a buyer typically makes several moves online
and offline. Those moves taken with the aid of the clients are called consumer
shopping for behavior. An organization must understand the customer buying
behavior process to appropriately regulate its marketing strategies in
accordance with the buyer's needs and demands. This process may include
consulting the search engines, friends, and family,
3.a. Explain the product life cycle with an example. (5 Marks)
In product development, the product life cycle describes the process a product goes through from its introduction to its removal from the market in some form. As a result of saturation, reduced demand, increased opposition, and income drops, some product segments are no longer in the
3.b. What are three kinds of marketing channel?
Explain with an example each. (5 Marks)
A marketing channel is simply any one of
several channels through which an organization reaches its clients or target
market to provide a product or service. As a way to transfer items from an
advertiser to a consumer, a channel consists of human beings, technology, and
sports, etc. An important objective of the marketing channel to establish a
connection between
Operations and Supply Chain Strategies
December 2021
Q1. ABC Ltd. company is operating in FMCG sector and
company is planning to launch new product with own brand. Because of various
product mix customer demand is increasing. However performance of the firm is
not increased. Consider you are appointed as supply chain managers, advise some
strategies to the firm that eventually increase performance. (10 Marks)
Answer 1
As a key component of the company's inventory management and a crucial business process, store communities play a large role. Having an adequate stock community enables the organization's business to set aside money and similarly improve customer loyalty by reducing the number of tight sit-down events for notable gadgets. On the face of it, it appears that this gives the employer a distinct advantage over its competition in the business world. On the other side, an inadequate keep network can be a extremely good channel on the corporation's property,
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Q2. Mr. Gupta is
supply chain manager of OLB
Ltd. and company
is now focusing
on manufacturing of E scooter. By looking to the customer demand,
company is constructing largest
manufacturing set up in India.
In the dynamic market, you would
face tough competition from
different companies. Analyze and suggest a different level of strategies that
you will implement in the firm that can improve overall business profit. (10 Marks)
Answer 2
According to the situation,
it would be prudent to cut back or eliminate any products or services that do
not offer value. The most important labor and products for the company's
business are those that generate the greatest amount of sales. Following the firm has recalled the company, the
company must focus on its most efficient delivery and products. Please indicate whether the ineffective labor and
goods need to be removed or, regardless of whether Mr. Gupta is able to
Consider situation mentioned in Q. 2, explain various competitive dimensions in
detail that company needs to rework to get better market share and attain
business excellence in the supply chain.
(5 Marks)
Answer 3
Functional greatness is an extremely potent methodology. Practical greatness plans are intended to provide cost authority. An extensive focus is placed on automating mechanical processes, and improving work practices to reduce costs and improve efficiency. With the approach, generating is alternately arranged and normalized for high volume with minimal range. In companies with
Q3.b. Management is confused about the selection of
the production process. Kindly suggest the best method in the production
process that improves efficiency. (5
Ans 3b.
Despite how large or small the organization's assembly area is, talent and performance are the keys to holding the company's top hand. Before carrying out any method for increasing the plant's efficiency, however, it is imperative that they take an inventory of its current efficiency. If you wish to improve and analyze the results of the degree you may take further action after
Organization Culture
December 2021 Examination
Question 1. What are the characteristics of Organizational Culture? Explain Schein’s model of Organizational culture. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
structure of wants and objectives of the associates of the business enterprise
can help differentiate the establishment from nearly any other establishment.
The organizational culture is the way in which they outline their mutual
interests. The period culture of that time is not calculative at this time, but
rather expressive. In other words, every employee of any business is
apprehensive that their traits may be discovered by other employees as a result
of the subculture
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Question 2. Varun is responsible for ensuring that Golden Globe ltd.’s employee centric culture is kept alive. What are the factors that he can leverage to achieve these results? Varun isvery particular about how new joinees socialize and get to know the culture of the company. What socialization techniques should he focus on to ensure a good culture inculcation for them? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Tradition, the term given in an organization for the setting in which innovations are developed, ideas are communicated, and advancements are supported, is called the setting for innovative ideas. In this scenario, the employees feel like a part of their organization and that they are valued and secured in their positions. To have a successful organization, it is essential to develop a culture that is founded on a set of strong and widely held beliefs which are supported by a
Question 3.a. Explain the two types of spirituality that organizations can integrate in its culture? (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
There has been an increase in the number of business schools across the country that are now teaching workplace spirituality, possibly with an application to actual practice within organizations. The topic of spirituality in the workplace initially appeared as a passing fad but now it seems to be taking on a trend role rather than just a passing trend. As an employer,
Communication plays a very
important role
in bringing about
a culture change. Explain? (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
Older employees who are assigned to in-house advertising agencies may find it very difficult to grasp the changes in a culture. A certain point in an organization of this level, communication becomes the key to interrupting around tricky issues. In order to reduce confusion amongst all
Performance Management System
December 2021 Examination
Question 1. Rajan Kumar is the HR Manager at
Big Mart Ltd which is an online company that caters to customers pan
India. The company is 3 years old and
has been growing rapidly now to cater to small cities and towns. They specialize in end to end products
ranging from Apparels, furniture to groceries and more (ref like a Big Bazaar
and Food Bazaar). Rajan is considering
implementing the Balanced Score Card (BSC) for the company as he believes the
BSC can play an important role in the company’s growth. Design a Balanced Score Card
for the company
covering 2 examples
each in the
Financial, Customer, Business
Process and Learning & Growth quadrants. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
the world's companies continue to use performance measurement on a large scale,
it remains a practical and useful instrument for helping them achieve the best
results possible. It is a good thing, for a company on the whole, that all of
its important strategic projects and objectives can be considered part of the
performance evaluation support mechanism, even at the most basic level. If you
have seen how a performance appraisal is used, then you would have a better Its Half solved
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Question 2. You are the HR manager at Shoppers Paradise which is a retail store in Mumbai. You are introducing 360 degree feedback process in the company. Design a 360 degree form for the position of Customer Service Executive (CSE). This form is to be filled by the Manager of the CSE. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
The discourse on digitalization in the last couple of days has garnered considerable attention. While groups have been busy doing research and participating in playing up to this point, they have specialized in leveraging the vast amounts of records that can be found in the modern era to solve business problems.
Organizations have been able to turn colossal records into precise recommendations that create
Question 3. Assume you are an HR manager in an online furniture company which has recently introduced Performance Management System for its employees. The employees are being coached on the concepts and application of the same.
Prepare 2 SMART goals each for the following profiles:
a. Furniture designer (5 Marks)
b. Furniture carpenter (5 Marks)
Ans 3A.
A green and efficient enterprise is essential to the success of a company. The objective of the strategy is to align employees, budgets, and technology to meet an organization's objectives, using both public and private techniques. Furthermore, it also serves as a signal for the management as it alerts them to potential problems and lets them know to adapt to new
Ans 3B.
People are constantly seeking methods to make a livelihood or earn additional money, and owning an enterprise or strategic finishing tasks are often considered the possible choices. And while that can be an exciting, passionate idea or perception, that won't be viable in the long term
2021 Examination
India's Road and Transport Ministry has taken up various Expressway Road
Projects in the country. One such project consists of following broad scope of
Constructing roads
Constructing tunnels
c. Constructing
bridges over the river
Constructing flyovers and junctions
Constructing convenient places (fuels stations, rest areas, etc.)
Developing a solution for speed monitoring
g. Finding suitable
road material for areas in a heavy flood zone
Carry out the
Project Risk Management for this case. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
As a project manager, one is tasked
with identifying and mitigating any risks that adversely influence your
project's success. Those dangers ought to be reduced to the absolute minimum.
If you're involved approximately something surprising happening, you've got a
risk (such as projects). A hazard is a prevalence that may arise unexpectedly
and without warning, in preference to a recurring hassle that can arise. In
terms of challenge risks, project managers do not usually know what they are,
once they occur, and why they appear. Weaknesses in project Its Half solved only
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Q2. Government has
given you a project of significant renovation in railway infrastructure. The
project consists of the following work.
Feasibility study of changes required
Estimating the cost – Material and Construction
Providing the support to Railway for procuring the material
Construction and installation of the changes necessary
Testing of the infrastructure
f. Training and
handing over the infrastructure.
You as a project
controller are asked to submit your plan for project control. Cover different
project control tools and explain how they will be applied in this case. Also,
mention as ahead of project control which controls you will monitor personally
and why. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
monitoring, and controlling all phases of a capital project's lifetime are part
of the project control process. Some examples of this are estimating and scheduling
and danger and trade management. Proper planning is crucial to a project's
achievement. Only an efficient price and schedule control approach can ensure
the execution of a project based on a solid project plan. Improvement of an
appropriate project control system is a crucial component of the entire
3. Answer the
following questions.
a. Consider a
hypothetical project of conducting Annual Day in your university. Explain the
triple constraints of a project in this context. Include a diagram for these
constraints and write examples for each constraint. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
paraphrase the triple constraint theory of project management, each project is
constrained by scope, time, and cost constraints. Invariably, trade in a single
component will have an impact on the other as well. You'll need extra time and
money, for example, if a customer wishes to add numerous features to the
undertaking's scope. Or, if your employer reduces your project's budget,
India's Road and Transport Ministry has taken up various Expressway Road
Projects in the country. One such project consists of following broad scope of
Constructing roads
b. Constructing
Constructing bridges over the river
Constructing flyovers and junctions
Constructing convenient places (fuels stations, rest areas, etc.)
Developing a solution for speed monitoring
g. Finding
suitable road material for areas in a heavy flood zone
List different
cost estimation methods. Explain any three methods which can be used in this
project. Suggest which one will be the best method for this project. (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
initiatives need to have accurate price estimations. Without a cost estimate,
one cannot construct a business strategy, create comprehensive budgets, assume
resource requirements, or control project expenses. The project cost Engineer
uses several techniques to estimate costs.
Direct and Indirect
2021 Examination
Q1. GST is called as consumption based tax. Discuss and verify this
statement with the help of a relevant example. Also, elaborate on the different
categories of GST (10 Marks)
Ans 1:
On July 1, 2017, the 101st amendment to the
Indian constitution enacted Goods & Services Tax (GST) which became
applicable in India. Tax reforms aimed at harmonizing the country's taxation
system and helping to reshape its $2.4 trillion economies were proposed with
GST as the most significant tax reform post-independence. With the help of the
honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, the aims of the cause changed to
strive for $5 trillion as a benchmark. As a Its
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Q2. Following emoluments are received by Ms Sangeeta during the
previous year ended on 31.3.2021
Basic salary 250000
Dearness Allowance 10000
Commission 2500
Entertainment allowance 2000
Medical expenses reimbursed 25000
Professional taxes paid 2000(Rs1000 paid by employer)
Ms. Sangeeta contributes Rs 2000 towards the Recognized Provident
She has no other income.
Compute the income from salary for A.Y 2021-22, and give reasons and
explanations wherever required, If Ms. Sangeeta is a Government employee. (10
Ans 2:
Direct taxation is a kind of direct taxation which is assessed based on the income of an individual. Income tax in India is governed by the income-tax act of 1961, which specifies the laws governing the payment of an assessee. According to the Act, the gross income is divided into five groups under which each member could receive his/her share of the income.
Q3. From the following information, furnished by Ms. Anucampa
pertaining to the financial year ended as on 31st march 2021,
Short term capital gains on sale of shares in an Indian company
received in Japan |
10000 |
Dividend from a Chinese company received in China |
3000 |
Agricultural income from land in Madhya Pradesh |
5000 |
Dividend from PJV Ltd an Indian Company |
4745 |
Gross Rent from a residential property located at Singapore,
later on remitted to the saving account in Bank of Maharashtra, Mumbai using
the approved channels |
600000 |
Compute the total income and give reason for considering/ not
considering these specific items for the relevant assessment year 2021-22, if
she is-
a. Resident and ordinary resident (5 Marks) –
Ans 3a:
In accordance with the Income Tax Act, a taxpayer's residential status is one of the deciding factors that determine his or her tax burden. As a general rule, based on their residential rate, taxpayers can be divided into three general categories:
Ans 3b:
There is a specific section of the Act dealing with the status of a person's residence. There may be a change in the taxpayer's residence status from one tax season to another; as a result, the taxpayer must maintain a record of each previous year's residence. In the same way that a non-resident can also become
December 2021 Examination
QUESTION 1. American Express,
Airways, Ritz-Carlton, and Federal Express
strong service brands that have existed for years. However, marketing services is challenging as they
are less tangible than products and more likely
to vary in quality depending on
people providing them. Explain how the above mentioned service brands have used
branding to address intangibility and variability problems? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
A company's branding impacts customer engagement, competition in the market, and management. The presence of a company's brand in the market helps differentiate the products and services of the company from its competitors.
An organization's image is crucial for its
success. Brand management drives initiatives that increase brand awareness,
measure and manage brand equity, identify and incorporate new products for
brand positioning, and effectively communicate the brand. Effective
logo Its Half
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2. AMUL has earned strong brand equity against its competitors in the dairy
category by offering high quality products at affordable prices. AMUL’s wide
range of products is easily accessible and resonates deeply with its customers
for its strong corporate values. Comment on the strategies AMUL has adopted for
successfully creating a brand image of a healthy, reliable, fun-loving and
youthful brand. (10 Marks)
Our nation's agrarian growth and
development has been affected by a brand which has also made a positive
contribution to our country's economic development. In this article, we are
going to examine a brand's story from an enterprise perspective to a primary
brander of Amul, the flavor of India. The entire process began 65 years ago when
nearby retailers used hostile, difficult-working farmers every day and imparted
little income to them by using their facilities. The company was formed by some
farmers with the aim of halted the exploitation of middlemen in
QUESTION 3A. Brand Mantra has profound implications for marketing of a
brand. The Brand Mantra anchors the brand in the right direction. Nike is a
brand with keen sense of what is represents and its Brand Mantra is “authentic
athletic performance”. Explain how Nike exemplifies its Brand Mantra. (5 Marks)
Ans 3A.
Logo mantras, referred to as brand
essences, are the final building blocks of brand positioning. It is valuable to
keep in mind that a brand slogan is short and conveys the essence of the
competition, the factors of difference, parity, and everything else within the
brand. One of the mantras of a brand is to represent it in a way that will
remove impurities, a process that is known
QUESTION 3B. Zomato is one of the largest food delivery platforms in India.
The company’s app provides its customers with a hassle-free, fast and reliable
delivery experience. The 'unprecedented' interest in its initial public
offering (IPO) and its stellar debut on stock market best explains its
acceptance and tremendous success in the food delivery space. Explain how
digital platform based brands like Zomato create customer engagement? (5 Marks)
Ans 3B.
Zomato was created with the ambition of
being the leading discovery and search platform for restaurants when it first
came to be. Many of these eateries had notable names, menus, charges,
critiques, and other facts pertaining to them. The vast majority of eateries in
23 countries received vast statistics concerning 1.4 million eating places.
Over the years, it has evolved from
Commercial Banking System and Role of RBI
December 2021 Examination
No 1. Indian Banking has
witnessed major changes starting from nationalization in 1969 of 14
private sector banks again to privatization
banks in 1990s. Year 2014 resulted in setting
of small Payment Banks
in different
nooks &
of the
country to
diametrically opposite step of mergers
and consolidation
of many weak public sector
banks with a few large banks in 2018/19.
What has been the economic & financial compulsions/reasons for such changes in five decades? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
When banks are owned privately, their significant authorities have less control and are less concerned with the normal operations of those banks. It is conceivable that the federal government may delegate to nonpublic company investors its controlling request within the PSB.
In order to
increase and enhance competition, public spending, infrastructure spending, and
enhancing excellent and volume of output, governments approach privatization to
eliminate their burdens through inefficiencies of resources, overuse and
redundant work possibilities, financial
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Independence of RBI has been a major subject of debate in India of late. A few
Governors resigned on this issue, as there was too much interference from
government in deciding the policies of
RBI. Do you agree/disagree on the question of RBI deciding its own course of
action while formulating macroeconomic policy of
country or should it listen to its political masters? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
In comparison to all of the other central primary banks around the world, the Reserve Bank of India has outperformed them all. This party controlled the supply of economic products, the stability of economic markets, the rate of economic growth, and the consequent economic equilibrium. Through all financial crises and crises,, both local and global, the chairman and his staff were able to effectively serve the interests of the country.
Question No 3.
on-Performing Assets (NPAs) in the Indian Banking sector has become the subject
of much discussion and scrutiny. Bank’s lending capacity has been severely
eroded by mounting NPAs, net worth of many banks have declined and a number of
banks have reported huge losses. In recent year’s plethora of rules and
regulations have come from RBI, Government, IMF, BASEL recommendations, etc to
keep a tab on stressed assets and timely resolution.
light of above statements:
Write the major reasons for increase on NPAs since last 10 years (5 Marks)
According to you what would be the mitigating factors/solutions for NPA
management. (5 Marks)
Ans 3.
The nonperforming asset category
consists of debts that have either defaulted or are behind on the precepts or
interest charges scheduled by a banking organization. Bank assets that do not
feature, that is, do not generate profits, are known as nonperforming assets
(NPAs) or risky debt.
to Reduce NPAs
It is past time for
financial institutions to take reasonable-sized measures to rein inside the
inexorable increase inside the wide variety of non-appearing assets (NPAs).
Until stringent standards to decrease non-acting property (NPA) are put in the
area, they might hold to build up
Customer Relationship Management
December 2021 Examination
1. The banking and financial service has been at the forefront of integrating
CRM in their businesses. Discuss the role that analytical and operational CRM
play in improving the efficiency of their processes and customer service. (10
Ans 1.
Customer Relationship management (CRM) is how companies
manage and analyze customer information and interactions throughout the
customer lifecycle by combining practices, strategies, and technologies. Our
objective is to improve the customer service relationship, help retain
customers, and boost sales. Customers can interact with a CRM system through
various channels, including the company's website, telephone, live chat, direct
mail, marketing materials, and social networks. Regardless, no
two CRM systems are organized something comparable; Its Half solved only
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Q2. Duron furniture Ltd. offers mass customization by
providing multiple options for various components or features including
different fabrics, furniture legs, or pieces that combine in numerous
configurations? In the same light, explain the different levels of mass
customization proposed by Gilmore and pine. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
I believe focusing on a customer to be a smart decision
regardless of what their goals may be, and is a logical criticism. There are
numerous pioneers out there today who are conscious of the desire to provide
their clients with exceptional service in every sense. With the desire to
become customer-driven, numerous institutions have derived from the idea of
forming new undertakings and management frameworks right from their inception.
The consumers, however, need to be logically specific about their necessities,
which is why this method has generated a sure-fire way
Coca-Cola Bottling
Unit (CCBU), a soft drinks manufacturer and distributor, is based in Lambeg,
Northern Ireland. The company employs over 400 people, and has 14,000
customers. The service support team deals with a range of incoming calls that
include complaints, orders, enquiries, delivery, and pricing.
The decision to
install a single customer service touchpoint dates to 1996 when a customer
satisfaction survey indicated that although customers generally felt they were
receiving good service, they wanted a single contact point for customer
service. CCBU’s lack of a single contact point meant that inbound calls were
not logged in a
uniform way. This
in turn hindered analysis of call content and frequency, and led to variance in
the quality and consistency of responses to service queries. In addition, the
company had no way of tracking if the advice given resolved the problem.
a. Analyse the
requirement of contact centre for customer support services for CCBU. (5 Marks)
b. Suggest the
strategies to build the integrated customer contact information system. (5
Ans 3A.
It is thought of as relational displaying since it
views customers as assets and emphasizes it is important to keep consumers by
supporting, helping, and facilitating a relationship with them. In this way, he
may be able to build motivational pressure for the customer and inform him, in
Ans 3B.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a more
detailed way of overseeing the most important family members for your
association as well as being able to monitor consumer participation and
affordable clientele. To prepare your business for expansion, an essential
objective is to improve your business institutions. The CRM shapes helps
relations with clients
Fundamentals of Big Data &
Business Analytics
December 2021 Examination
Question 1. General Electric – a literal powerhouse of a
corporation involved in virtually every area of industry, has been laying the
foundations of what it grandly calls the Industrial Internet for some time now.
But what exactly is it? Here’s a basic overview of the ideas which they are
hoping will transform industry, and how it’s all built around big data. A
simple way to think of the industrial internet is as a subset of that, which
includes all the data-gathering, communicating and analysis done in industry.
In essence, the idea is that all the separate machines and tools which make an
industry possible will be “smart” – connected, data- enabled and constantly
reporting their status to each other in ways as creative as their engineers and
data scientists can devise.
will increase efficiency by allowing every aspect of an industrial operation to
be monitored and tweaked for optimal performance and reduce down-time –
machinery will break down less often if we know exactly the best time to
replace a worn part. Data is behind this transformation, specifically the new
tools that technology is giving us to record and analyse every aspect of a
machine’s operation. And GE is certainly not data poor – according to
Wikipedia, its 2005 tax return extended across 24,000 pages when printed out.
And pioneering is deeply engrained in its corporate culture – being established
by Thomas Edison, as well as being the first private company in the world to
own its own computer system, in the 1960s. So of all the industrial giants of
the pre-online world, it isn’t surprising that they are blazing a trail into
the brave new world of big data. GE generates power at its plants which is used
to drive the manufacturing that goes on in its factories, and its financial
divisions enable the multi-million transactions involved when they are bought
and sold. With fingers in this many pies, it’s clearly in the position to
generate, analyse and act on a great deal of data. Sensors embedded in their
power turbines, jet engines and hospital scanners will collect the data – it’s
estimated that one typical gas turbine will generate 500Gb of data every day.
And if that data can be used to improve efficiency by just 1% across five of
their key sectors that they sell to, those sectors stand to make combined
savings of $300 billion. With those kinds of savings within sight, it isn’t
surprising that GE is investing heavily. In 2012 they announced $1 billion was
being invested over four years in their state-of-the-art analytics centre in
San Ramon, California, to attract pioneering data talent to lay the software
foundations of the Industrial Internet.
State and explain how this generated data is leveraged to enable growth in
manufacturing sector for GE. Provide example of 2 business questions using the
data and potential analytics approach.
What is the end-to-end big data architecture required in this context? Show it
preferably using a diagram/ flowchart. You can explain possible tools which can
be leveraged in the
cycle and the rationale for the tool. (10 Marks )
Ans 1.
The company has ten industrial and production facilities in India,
and they are all owned and operated by GE. It
is obvious that the people of this nation are aware of both the country's
capacity, as well as its challenging circumstances. By
making use of industrial information across a broad spectrum of Indian
industries, GE has been providing high-quality services at great
cost-effectiveness that operate within industry norms and outperform customers'
expectations, thereby exceeding customer expectations as a whole. For our customers we offer
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Question 2. Explain
how clouds have
increasingly transformed the
adoption of big
data in the companies. You must mention 3 examples of
business cases which could transform their business. What choices one needs to
make to improve cost optimization while using the cloud-based platform. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
A major advantage to the companies benefiting from technologies that
have improved over the years is that they can experience simpler operation
methods and more cost-effective operations. Even
though data from every possible supply available to companies of a wide variety
has now become readily available to them - social media, sensors, business
apps, and many more sources. The availability of data from each source has
proven to be a key differentiator for corporations of
Question 3. Indian Banking Industry is facing fraud related issues
for the past few years. Indian Banks, especially Public Sector banks are
suffering from mounting losses and rise in NPAs on account of increased level
of number of frauds. Loan sanctioning for new projects, as happened in recent
case of Nirav Modi, have brought sufferings for the industry. Many of the top
executives have been charged for alleged corruption and deceitful intentions in
granting loans. This creates a question mark on corporate governance and ethics
in the industry. In fact, the menace of rising NPA is a global crisis that is
responsible for slowdown in industry. The strength of financial system of any
economy can be judged by its level of production and consumption. The living
standard and status of people can be judged with soundness of financial system;
but if financial system is packed with frauds and high degree of NPAs, it
should be a cause of worry for any nation.
Loan loss- The risk of increasing NPA and Bad debts in India is
increased manifold, due to lack of appropriate methods of monitoring of loans
and not by proper due diligence.
a. State what approach can help achieve controlling bad debts and
NPAs due to loan loss? How can each BI and BA help solve this problem? (5
b. How can predictive analytics be enabled in this case?
Illustrate the solution detail. (5 Marks)
Ans 3.
In spite of the fact that it is a fact that the rise in bond prices has had a devastating effect on the major banks during the current fiscal year, the problem that really puts the cornerstone on the story is the growing number of problematic loans. In spite of this, banks will have to carry on to endure in the long run due to the new RBI regulations, which was made to encourage lenders to
Ans 3(b).
In the debate regarding the bank
capital law, one aspect that has been devoted to significant discussion has
been the potential role that provisions for losses on bank mortgages may play
as a component of a comprehensive capitalization regulatory issue. The Basel Committee on Banking
December 2021 Examination
1. “In International Business an organization should be able to cope up with
the international differences that arises from different culture and for that
the international culture has to be understood by the managers”.
light of above statement explain various factors an organization need to
understand about cultural difference while making strategies for international
business. Also explain interaction between national culture and organizational
culture. (10 Marks)
I believe that culture often refers to the effects of cultural structures, such as severe, own family, instructional, and social structures, on individuals, how they remember their lives, and the decisions they make. Progress can only be made within subcultures that have been forged by using their subcultures as the rules. There are companies that would like to publicize things in specific countries, however they must be sensitive to certain elements of the social structure of each area where they want to conduct business. For sure, even social differentiation between
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2. “Titan Watches” is known for transforming the watch industry in India.
Company wants to evaluate Bangladesh as a potential market for business
expansion. Titan wants to conduct a market research to identify this
is the scope and process involved in conducting International Market
Research? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
It is evident that the international market is evolving very rapidly, and this influx of modification prompts a relationship with favorable and not so favorable circumstances. While these moves take into account fast growth, global activity change, the advances in worldwide capital, as well as the needs of customers, they do not neglect fast progress. In this series of changes in frameworks and regulations, as well as processes, multiple industries are impacted to the extent
3. Nike Inc., the
world’s leading apparel
and footwear manufacturer, outsources
the manufacturing part of the production to a number of factories in
Asia where there is plenty of cheap labor available.
it chooses countries where cheap labor is available, where there is an
authoritarian government, and the lack of union rights appeals and union
the 1970s, Nike, Inc. has been accused
of using sweatshops to produce footwear and apparel. It was built on the
business model of finding the lowest cost of labour possible which led to child
labour and exploitation
As to
remain competitive in the market, Nike searched for cheaper resources and
markets. Therefore, Nike had shifted its production to lower manufacturing cost
countries such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Later in the 1980s, production had
moved to Southern China. However, as Japan’s economic started expanding, the
manufacturing cost increased. Therefore, Nike shifted its contracts to Vietnam,
Indonesia and China
has the highest number of contract factories in China followed by Thailand,
South Korea, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. By opting for such
places, Nike has made huge margins due to cheap labor...
from the mid 1990s, there were criticisms from human right protectors and media
regarding labour health and safety conditions, low wages and discrimination in
the hiring and firing process. Therefore, Nike started to take actions as to rescue
its reputation.
Briefly describe the ethical issues involved in sweatshop conditions and the
treatment of workers in Nike's factories. (5 Marks)
Nike has failed to follow the labor laws of the countries it operates in and
has not succeeded in effectively implementing its Code of Conduct. What
measures must Nike take to convince the public that it really wants to put an
end to the maltreatment and exploitation of workers in its Asian factories? (5
Ans 3.
It is now a widely accepted fact that ethical conduct has dynamically become one of the single most offensive topics within the modern business society. Globalization is generating more and more multinational companies (MNCs) using new methods of integrating morals into the workplace and further empowering them to manage moral issues in the many areas where they
Due to pressure from savants who have endeavored to translate its famous shoe logo into a phrase that implies misleading, Nike Inc. has committed the sin of showing immature employees and requiring overseas manufacturers of its products to follow extreme United States prosperity
2021 Examination
The spa industry in Dubai is currently experiencing growth and spas in Dubai
are steadily becoming a pertinent cultural force, influencing not only how
consumers care for their health, well-being, and appearance, but also how they
work, travel, and socialize. As interest in physical wellness increases, spa
therapy becomes increasingly popular in Dubai and is highly recommended by many
medical specialists. As a result, spas are challenged with increasing
competition. At the same time, customers are looking for “new” and “unique”
experiences. You have been employed by Anantara Spa in Dubai to devise
marketing plan to increase profitability and market share. Conduct a macro scan
of the environment and introduce the brand to Dubai, UAE. (10 Marks)
In ensuring that the organization will behave in a reasonable fashion, it is imperative for the organization to ensure that the organization's external environment is justified and fit for purpose. This, in turn, will help establish the company better in Dubai and allow it to concentrate on accumulating a diverse customer base as quickly as possible. This is where the PESTEL evaluation can help us find those aspects that are driving our business and how those elements
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2. Design a marketing mix strategy (4-Ps) for a start-up, brand (can be from
any geography) to expand in the global market and offer a practical solution to
them. (10 Marks)
In marketing a good or service, the four Ps are key factors. A good or service's product, price, location, and promotion make it. These four Ps are influenced by internal and external business factors, and they interact significantly. These factors help businesses determine what their customers want from them, how their product or service meets those needs, how it is perceived globally, how it stands out from their competition, and how it interacts with them. The 4 Ps of advertising are the product (items or services), the price, the location (region), and the
3. Mango, a strong retail brand with 29 stores in India plans to expand its
market share in the premium luxury apparel market.
Suggest its value-based pricing strategy
(5 Marks)
Discuss how changes in consumer shopping behavior can be useful to Mango
apparel brand especially in India.
(5 Marks)
The mango originated in Spain, and it has since migrated to other regions of the sector. Mango's performance may be attributed to 2 factors: they're innovative and adaptable in their management style, as proven by the studies that observed. For this reason, they interact with marketplaces that, in terms of the structure of their political and financial machine, are appreciably dependent
Ans 3(B)
On Mango we utilize a general structure, a general organization wherein all knowledge, all directives, all alternatives, all activities, and all failures to act come from the head zone and from the supplementary zone. This is done in order to maintain the management of its various outlets,
IT Infrastructure
December 2021 Examination
Q1. “In today’s competitive market place
where new market entrants, low cost products options, multiple suppliers are
present. Selection of optimal IT Infrastructure plays an important role for not only sustaining but also
giving growth to the organization”, justify the statement using suitable
examples. As per your understanding for a selected organization what is the
optimal IT Infrastructure required to get an edge over competitors? (10 Marks)
Answer 1.
There are numerous instances when companies
operating in various countries do not take into account the delicate framework
that is involved in implementing the business systems of their domestic,
commercial enterprise sectors. As a result, the framework that a company needs
to use is often not adequate or completely absent in terms of creating markets.
For example, for the person chosen for this case study, the organic Valley
Harvests company in developing markets,
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2. Organic Valley Harvests Enterprise
Organic Valley Family of Farms is the
largest U.S. cooperative of organic farmers and one of the nation's leading
organic brands. It is a marketing and distribution cooperative and virtual
manufacturer. It owns only one butter plant and a small "cut and
wrap" cheese operation, and contracts with more than 85 fluid dairy,
cheese and other plants across the country for the majority of its
manufacturing. Today, it represents more than 1,300 family farms in 34 U.S.
states and Canada. Focused on keeping small and mid- sized farmers farming,
Organic Valley produces more than 200 organic foods sold in supermarkets,
natural foods stores and food cooperatives, and as ingredients for other
organic food manufacturers nationwide. With an annual growth rate of more than
25 percent, Organic Valley needed to consolidate disparate systems into one
enterprise solution to improve operating efficiencies and maintain the quality
of its perishable food products.
"We were doing our planning using
spreadsheets and an enterprise system designed for discrete manufacturing to
handle our financials, order
management and inventory," explains George Neill,
director of IT, Organic Valley. "As our operations expanded, it became
obvious that we needed to make a major leap in our business systems."
Organic Valley chose to leverage Infor's
ERP Adage as its core enterprise resource planning solution, along with Infor
SCM Advanced Planner (AP) and Infor SCM Advanced Scheduler (AS).
"We enlisted the support of a
consultant during our selection process to help identify which functions and
features were the most important," Neill explains. "We had very
specific requirements, like shelf-life management and expiration date
management," he says.
Yet, the senior management team was a
little apprehensive about taking on a complex Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) implementation at the same time the company was building and moving into
new headquarters.
"I had watched many ERP
implementations before, and with our project manager as the only person with
hands-on implementation experience, we understood the potential
challenges," Neill says.
One of Organic Valley's major business
drivers was to improve overall utilization of its resources by improving and
automating operational planning processes. The company gained an advantage with
the new solutions because the planning and scheduling tools are supported by
the same vendor and require no code customization, which minimizes risks during
In addition, the company uses the SCM
planning solutions to model supply planning needs. "The Advanced Planner
tool really is the golden ring for us in pulling together supply and demand
plans to optimize the manufacturing and distribution of all our dairy, meat and
produce products nationwide," according to Neill.
All in
all, the Infor solution
has enabled Organic Valley to be
more agile on the technical side, providing support for rapid business
growth. The cooperative is even projecting savings of $2 million per year
through improved supply chain planning and other operational efficiencies.
In the future, Organic Valley plans to
move to the next version of Infor ERP Adage and is evaluating other solutions
and technologies to support its business.
In effect, Organic Valley has slowed the
rate of workforce growth while sustaining overall revenue growth, seeing an
increase in sales per employee of 37 percent since implementation.
"We enlisted the support of a
consultant during our selection process to help identify which functions and
features were most important." --George Neill, Director of IT, Organic
Valley Family of Farms
What are the various IT Infrastructure tools Organic Valley used for the
rapid business growth and how those tools helped in achieving the objective?
What are the
various networking and
security issues that
may arise due
to the implementation of
IT Infrastructure in
the organization? Whether
such types of organizations will be benefited if are
connected with server farms? (10 Marks)
(Source- Organic
Valley Harvests Enterprise Efficiency | Case Studies | Consumer Goods
Technology (CGT))
Answer 2.
In recent years, foundation and duties have experienced some necessary interruption, which was propelled by the rapid development of the cloud and the shift to cross-platform IT, as demonstrated by using how organic Valley utilized unique pieces of IT infrastructure for rapid
2. 2
As a result of the numerous advantages of structures administration, it also raises the possibility of concerns related to security, as well as record loss, security breaches, and other potentially dangerous attacks such as virus and worm attacks. The principle three commercial network
Q3.a. In current scenario of covid19
pandemic organizations are taking full advantages of IT infrastructure not only
for their survival but also for business growth. With the help of suitable
examples explain how organizations are using applications of cloud computing
during such unprecedented times. Explain certain security challenges in
implementing cloud computing in business organizations? (5 Marks)
Ans 3A.
In this case, cloud computing increases
efficiency because it brings down prices and improves versatility,
adaptability, and flexibility and improves the efficiency of asset use through
the use of cloud computing.
3.b. Green computing is a practice of using computing
devices so that they can be used efficiently and without causing harm to human
beings and environment. The purpose of promoting green computing is to
reduce the consumption of energy and to
reduce carbon emission (CO2 emission). Suggest few actionable points/
drivers for achieving green computing and green ICT at your home, in your
organization and society. (5 Marks)
It is reasonable to assume that all elements of the users' modern public must contribute to the construction of green computing in order to build up possible weather conditions. A number of companies on one one side of the planet support the destruction of modern circumstances of the customers in a way that is contrary to business interests. The amount of waste and pressure
Project Management
2021 Examination
Question 1. You are the newly hired VP
of IT at Koya Industries – a 40-year manufacturing company in Alappuzha. In
your first meeting, the CEO, Muneer Koya, has told you that he is unhappy
with the
present situation of disparate
legacy applications systems in the
company and wants them to be fully integrated. You had recommended that the
company move to an Integrated MIS. As a first step, the CEO has asked you to
assess the Feasibility of this initiative
What types of feasibility studies will
you perform and what would they assess? Prepare a 2-Page Executive Summary of
the outcomes of the Feasibility Study to serve as a basis for a detailed
discussion with the CEO and the rest of the Leadership. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Management information systems are computerized databases of financial information structured and coded to provide periodic reviews of operations for each stage of management within the organization. Data from different business divisions and business functions is collected by management information systems (MIS). It is also possible in most cases to obtain precise reports from the device with a great deal of ease. The number one function of the MIS is to provide managers with remarks on their overall performance; senior management can also then
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2. You are a consultant to Arthashastra Small Finance Bank. You are required to
prepare the RFP to be issued to System Integrators for implementing a Core
Banking Product – Finacle or Temenos, and integrating it to Arthashastra’s
existing Systems - D365 ERP & D365 CRM. Present the 3-page executive
summary of the RFP with all requisite sections. For additional information are:
the specific products, you may refer the company websites (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
We at Arthashastra, Small Finance bank, recognize and appreciate that one of our primary values is to promote the pursuits of all its members to acquire social and monetary development thru self-support and mutual supporting in strict compliance with Co-operative concepts and other relevant laws. In accordance with Section 37A of the Banking Act of 1949, the bank's functions are to engage in a variety of other types of business than those listed in the Act, and primarily to
3. Mr. Eduljee, CEO of Euphrates Insurance has convened a meeting for all the
CxOs to discuss the firm’s IT Strategy Roadmap. At this meeting Mr. Koshy, the
CIO announced his intention to embark on
an Application Modernization Program to
update all of Euphrates’ Legacy Applications. In this regard, Mr. Koshy
proposed to Outsource the Development and ongoing Maintenance & Support of
these Applications to a 3rd party IT Partner. Mr. Rayudu, the COO of the
company is skeptical and asks if Mr. Koshy has considered all the issues
Mr. Eduljee, asked him if he had specific concerns, Mr. Rayudu immediately said
"I see two issues that need detailed discussion… (1) How will we ensure a
Smooth Transition and Implementation and (2) How will we maintain
Confidentiality of Information?"
will Mr. Koshy respond to Mr. Rayudu’s queries on…
Smooth Transition and Implementation? (5
Confidentiality of Information? (5
Ans 3.
IT strategy development, such as transferring data to a brand new cloud gadget or upgrading software systems in an organization, is vital to the successful implementation of IT tasks. The major difference between IT roadmaps and product roadmaps is that IT roadmaps are more focused on the future than product roadmaps. A product roadmap communicates strategic plans
Ans 3b.
A significant component of any agency's operation these days is the use of information technology. If you neglect to consider the relationship between a company's enterprise goals and its information-generation strategy, you may end up with a company that's at a serious disadvantage over the long term. This is precisely why, in order to ensure maximum success in
Procurement Management
December 2021 Examination
QUESTION 1. Explain what
is Ethics in Procurement & why it is important? You are a Procurement Head
of Consumer Product organization, explain any 4 ISM Standards & link with
mention industry scenarios. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Procurement has been an ongoing
problem in many businesses because of the 90s when procurement was a big deal
in both the service and product industries. A company's procurement and
delivery specialists collaborate with each other to ensure that they have an
efficient and effective procurement logistics system. As the global economy has
developed in recent years, modern economies have gained the advantage of being
able to acquire services from many countries around the world. In this case, I
argue that the procurement feature needs to be Its Half solved only
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QUESTION 2. You are part of Pharma Company who has grown immensely
during Covid times. Your company is planning to set up two more plants for
manufacturing of vaccinations. As Procurement Manager help them to evaluate
between leasing or buying two factory premises. Please support your answer with
reasoning & mention advantages of selected option. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
If this scenario is a reality, it would mean that an individual would accept to hire a particular item from a rental agency below the rental agreement. Rent is a contract between an owner and tenant in exchange for making the rental payments each month to guarantee the possessions of the landlord are used. The renter and the lessor need to make sure that the contract is not written in such a way that it will not be enforceable. Rentals are protected in incorporation privileges.
QUESTION 3a. Oftenly we hear debate that Purchase Requisition is
whose responsibility? What do you think? Explain Purchase requisition and its
types. Why PR is one of the critical steps of P2P cycle? (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
Purchasing requests are files that are used as part of an organization's management functions, but which members of the organization need to maintain. A purchase request can be quite simply defined as a professional order that is only intended to announce the buying desire of a department or distributor to the supervisor or distributor. In order to initiate the buying process,
QUESTION 3b. What are various types of Pricing Contracts; why they
are used? Explain types, sub types and difference between them in terms of
responsibility of buyer or seller. (5 Marks)
It is the contractual pricing system which provides the client company with the price network information as well as the component prices, ensuring the customer is in complete control of the price network. It is still possible for you to set costs and charges for several customers at a time
Sales Management
December 2021 Examination
Q1. Design a Sales Process when your organization is intending to
enter Kenyan Market (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
For American investing groups to flourish in Kenya, they would need to gain good knowledge about the market before making their investment. This involves the process of figuring out how the market can be introduced to a product in the most beneficial way. Occasionally, U.S. corporations may become local agents or retailers of Kenyan companies if they discover that it can be an effective partnership. Additionally, licenses and franchises are also available for use on other channels in the neighborhood. It is essential to understand the logistics of the market in
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Q2. How would you set up a sales organization (team) for a FMCG
company setting up their operations and having headquartered in Mumbai? (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
The short-moving consumer goods
(FMCG) business is the fourth largest segment within the Indian financial
system. Three essential additions can be found in this area: half of them are
those belonging to the spouse, children, and other relatives, 31 percent are
fitness services, and the balance of 19 percent is foods and beverages. FMCG
companies in this town are responsible for 55% of the income received by the
companies in the FMCG sector. Once again, the
Q3. Read the case ‘Levis India offers – Jeans on EMI’ and respond
to these questions. While answering questions you are free to make reasonable
assumptions. Please state them clearly
In June 2009, apparel manufacturer, Levis’ Strauss India Pvt Ltd
offered to sell its well- known Levi’s jeans and other Levi’s products on
equated monthly installments (EMI) payable through credit cards. Analysts
viewed this as a bid by the company to increase sales against the backdrop of
the economic downturn. The company planned to arrest its decline in sales
through this innovative offer. Analysts felt that the offer was the first such
in the branded apparel industry. On the launch of the scheme, Shumone
Chatterjee. MD, Levi’s said – “it is for the first time that a brand is
offering this kind of deal in India. EMI has proven good for several industries
such as housing and white goods; therefore, I feel it will make a significant
difference to the branded apparel industry as well”.
The offer, launched as a pilot program, in Bangalore, was valid
only for consumers who purchased products worth Rs 1500 and above. The
consumers had to settle the bill in three instalments. The EMI’s were zero
percent interest. Levi’s had entered a tie-up with ICICI Bank to offer this
scheme. In return, the bank received service charges from Levi’s for each
Levi’s is the Indian subsidiary of US based Levi Strauss and Co.
It sells denims jeans under the brand Levi’s, a popular and aspirations brand
of jeans in India. As of September
2009, Levi’s operated through 230 stores and 500 points of sales
in nearly 200 cities.
By launching the offer, the company planned to make the jeans
affordable to consumers who aspired to own the brand. Chatterjee added, “Many
aspire to own a Levi’s but the price can be a barrier. The EMI scheme makes it
easier for the people to build the wardrobe with a premium brand like ours. The
company felt that it could make customers spend more by easily making payments
through installments. “the idea is to not only
achieve high conversion rate (walk-in’s conversion into spending) but
also enable our consumers to spend more and purchase higher-end denim through
an easy mode of payment. If the EMI scheme works well in Bangalore, then we can
unveil this nationally in a couple of months”.
The company received a good response from customers. “ever since
we introduced the ‘buy now, pay later’ scheme with interest of hidden charges
in June, our sales have surged by 10-15 percent” said Mr. M Aaron, franchise
manager, Levi’s. From June 2009 to August 2009, almost half the buyers who had
an ICICI card used the EMI facility. “The average value of their purchase was
50% higher than those who didn’t use the EMI facility” added Chatterjee.
Encouraged by the response received by the scheme, the company
announced its plan to roll out the offer in eight cities other than Bangalore
by mid-September 2009. These cities were Pune, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chandigarh. The success of the program, prompted
Levi’s to enter into tie-ups with other private banks such as HDFC Bank and
Axis Bank. He criteria for usage of Axis Bank credit cards was that the bill
amount had to be Rs 5000 and above.
Some analysts felt that it was logical for the Levi’s to offer the
scheme through credit cards since there was tremendous potential to be tapped
in the Indian market, but they noted that the number of credit card holders in
India was less than that of developed countries. According to a report by
BankRate.com, only 28% of affluent Indians have credit cards,
a fraction of the average around the world. As of 2006,
credit cards accounted for just
1% of all purchased in India – one of the lowest percentages in the world
The offer launched by
Levi’s received a mixed
response from Industry observers,
customers and analysts. Customers appreciated the scheme offered by Levi’s.
According to Roger, a customer, “it helps the consumers and the companies too.
Recession has affected both the companies and the consumers, so it’s a win-win
situation for both of them,”. However, the company maintained that the
promotional technique was not a strategy to counter the effects of the economic
downturn. The company said that it was aimed to tap the tremendous market
potential offered by the organized retail market in India. As of August 2009,
the Indian organized retail market was just 4-5 percent, out of which 20%
accounted for apparel and lifestyle, thus offering scope for growth, according
to Levi’s.
According to Sanjay Lalbhai, CMD of Arvind Mills Ltd, “we have
never offered such schemes and I don’t think it has been tried anywhere in the
world, unless you have a very loyal customer base and are sure of their credit
worthiness. It will be interesting to observe how they are doing it”. On the
other hand, some experts felt that though this scheme might attract the masses
to Levi’s initially, in the long run, it might lose some premium customers
since the branded products would be affordable to most other sections of
a. Critically analyze Levi’s offer to sell its Levi’s brand of
jeans and other products on EMI (5 Marks)
b. What was the overall objective of this plan? Do you think the
company will succeed? (5 Marks)
Ans 3a)
A bright marketing technique was chosen last year by Levi Strauss Pvt Ltd, an America-based company that produces accessories clothing for customers shopping for jeans and other gadgets. There are few strategies that have worked as well as Levi's gimmick marketing. There are a lot of
Ans 3b)
Several hundred Levi stores will open the EMI carrier through mid-September in the most competitive 9 markets in India, adding more than 130 exclusive Levi stores to the list. It is very important that these cities in general, Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Pune, be on the list of cities where this selection must be
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